Credit cards are the devil's invention.

Sep 15, 2012 15:09

Because I'm pretty sure I'm broke now. But look at ALL THE PRETTY THINGS I brought home from London :D

First of all: baking stuff. See the tip in the middle? I CAN PIPE FUR WITH THAT! At least I hope so. Because FUR! Cookie Monsters and spiders and cats and EVERYTHING WITH FUR! Also, nests and all that stuff. Like, for Easter. And stuff. (the other ones are from left to right rose petals, leaves and flowers, for the record.)

Lightsabers. Lightsaber chopsticks. Bought at Forbidden Planet. Where I left a considerable amount of money for other things, too. It's also an invention of the devil. Thank God they didn't have Stargate shoulder patches (because I would totally have spend money on a SG 10 shoulder patch and why the hell can't I find the shop that sells them again because I still really want to have one). They're a replica of Obi-Wan's lightsabers, BTW.

Also, these wonderful mini cupcake/muffin liners from kalasform bought at Divertimenti. I love kalasform. I just can't resist buying something of them when I see it. That's a real issue, I'm telling you. (Also, it's probably easier to see how they look here and here...)

I also bought the obligatory instant tea and hot chocolate at Whittard of Chelsea. Having discovered them on my Eurail/Interrail trip to the UK in 2007 wasn't a good thing, you know. Because I knew they existed. And made a hell of a good chocolate powder...

And then I discovered Divertimenti. That wasn't good either. Look at those wonderful cupcake wrappers! And also the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs (especially the t-rex) are going to be the owls' successors as hipster fashionable animals, I'm telling you.

I seem to have developed at "Keep Calm and Carry On" problem, too. Which is bad especially combined with my mug problem, as you can see here.

This trip marks the first time I ever bought anything at Harrods, as well. I was looking for some good hot chocolate to bring home for my sister and brother-in-law (I don't think I'll ever get used to calling him my brother-in-law instead of "my sister's boyfriend" they'd been together seven years before getting married, after all...). They originally wanted something from Whittard but since I didn't know what to buy them, I thought Harrods' Christmas hot chocolate was a good alternative. I hope they'll think so, too. Plus I wanted a good English Breakfast tea, and Harrods seemed like a place that would have it. (I was right about the tea, BTW:D).

Also, Anthropologie. OH ANTHROPOLOGIE! I will never be able to afford all their wonderful clothes but they also have great home stuff and stationary (Gallison, guys. We didn't have anything by them in Berlin until this year, people.), so I bought a nice bowl for my middle sister and sticky notes for me. What do you mean, I'm not allowed to buy any more sticky notes before I used up all those that I already have?

And this is how the bowl looks from the outside and the sticky notes from the inside.

Next, DVDs. Because they are a lot cheaper in the UK and I don't need a German dubbed version, anyway. Being Human Series One to Four and Downton Abbey Series One and Two and I sincerly hope the Christmas Special is included beause I didn't look but I was so excited to have found them!. Also, NEW DOWNTON ABBEY SEASON ON SUNDAY I AM SO EXICTED! Ahem.

Of course I also bought books. I always buy books. This time, The Force Unleashed I and II at Forbidden Planet (but I have no idea where part I is. I read in on the last day when we had to fly back and where the hell did I leave it?) and Patrick Hennessey's The Junior Officers' Reading Club. I'd been thinking about getting it for a while and I figured the fact that it nearly jumped at me in the first Waterstone's we entered meant I had to buy it. I hope it's as good as an addition to Nate Fick's (FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK! This is for 0_noctifer_0, don't mind us) One Bullet Away as I imagine it to be.

Then, posters. Keep Calm and Use The Force and an AT-AT destroying New York, both bought at Forbidden Planet. Not sure where I'm going to hang them (not in my current apartment, that's for sure...) but I just had to have them :D

Last but not least, gloves, tights and a scarf at T.K. MAXX. This nicely sums up my clothes problemes, minus the boots. That is to say, I love gloves, scarves and winter tights and I really, really, really love boots (of all the shoes I could fall in love it had to be the most expensives, didn't it?). Thank God I didn't have time for any shoe shops. Thank God, you people.

I also bought Yoda chopsticks for my youngest sister (she wanted punk ones but they didn't have them so I hope she likes those because she's a Yoda fan. Or at least I think she is...) and an Angry Birds back pack clip for Mom, because Mom is a gamer deep down in her heart (ie. Mom loves Angry Birds and she became really competitive at Fruit Ninja for a while. Currently, virtual bowling on the Samsung tablet is her passion. She's competitive in that, too. I have a geeky mom <3) but didn't get to take pictures of it because apparently, she already adopted it <3

All in all, London was a lot of fun and relaxed and we obviously underestimated the time one can spend at the Science Museum so we didn't get to see the Imperial War Museum, too. But science is awesome so that was okay :D God, I love being a geek. I also met with a fellow student from college and we had a nice long chat about just about everything. It was great :D

However, this is definitely the last time I spend at a youth hostel. YHA hostels are great and everything but I'm definitely too old to share a room with nine other people and sleep in a bunk bed and I don't care if it's gender segregated or not (the door to the floor with the women's rooms had a code lock and a sign saying "No males allowed beyond this point." The male room's floor didn't have a code lock at all :D Which book series does this remind us of?). Next time I go on vacations, I want a single room with a TV set and a queen size bed and a shower and toilet JUST FOR MYSELF. And if I have to wait four years to get this :P

travelling, shopping

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