Every day sexism isn't funny. Never was, never will be.

Jun 07, 2012 18:06

Sometimes I wonder why I even tell people that their sexist bullshit is sexist bullshit when their intellectual capacity to understand sexism goes as far as "Some women don't benefit from the tits bonus." (sic. "Tits bonus". I ain't kidding you.).

To explain this further: today, a (censored) sent an e-mail asking us to donate money for a gift for three other (censoreds) who will become fathers soon. That's a really nice gesture and all. And I was like "Oh, sure, why not." But then I saw the words "Or maybe pink t-shirts for the guys because they're all going to have girls." and honestly? I won't donate for that. Most of all not after what he told me when I asked him that I thought that basically, gendering colors is sexist bullshit.

Because, you know, he thought that made his idea extra funny. Savor this. Being sexist bullshit makes his idea extra funny. Men in pink t-shirts are funny because you know, hahahaha, they will look like girls isn't that hi-la-ri-ous? When I told him no, it wasn't he gave me the usual "Yes, but girls get pink and boys get blue and that's just like it is!" Um, no. Actually, until the beginning of the 20th century, pink was a masculine color. But no, not even that convinced him that I just don't see the funny in it. Just the boring.

Anyway. Why, why, why do I keep forgetting that the majority of people I encounter in my daily RL just don't seem to have the eduction and/or intellectual capacity to process gender related issues? Why do I keep thinking that all people are equally smart and use their fucking brains? Oh, that's right because I try so fucking hard not to discriminate against people. Maybe I should stop that. At least, that would make my life easier. Yes, I'm that frustrated.

what i don't even, feminist soapbox

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