Oh, wait, I knew there was something I still needed to do...

Sep 25, 2011 22:32

Writing a blog entry for today, that is.

It was mackenziesmomma's and my second day at the Rosewood and it was spa time today. We both got a full hour massage and man, was that good. Seriously, that was awesome and I kind of want to have another one already, you know? We then took the car back to San Francisco and wanted to see the Golden Gate Bridge but it seems it's avoiding mac (I know it's not avoiding me because I actually got to see it on Tuesday and a bit of it on Wednesday, too) since it's the third time it was hiding from her in the fog (yes, fog, not mist, dear).

So instead we took the scenic road back to SF (the one from Take You Higher, just without the cops, you know) and returned the car to Hertz. We also got back into SF for lunch (which was kind of dinner, actually) and wanted to take the F Line to Fisherman's Wharf but there's this slight unfortunate detail that my hostel's neighborhood is... erm... interesting and I kind of didn't want to have to walk to it after dark so I bid mac goodbye at the BART station (yes, the Bay Area Rapid Transportion is abbreviated with BART) and then... well... headed off to Walgreens to get something against the sore throat I seem to have developed (probably a side effect of the A/C at the hotel and in the car... A/C and I apparently do not get along and I kind of forgot about that so it's not your fault, mac, just so you know). Let's hope it goes away in the next couple of days...

Anyway. Bunnies. Lots of goddamn bunnies. Most of all the aforementioned shower smut bunny and champagn bottle bunny and there's also a hot tub bunny (Tom and Maureen insist on it, I'm afraid) and a spa bunny and yeah, you get what this is about, right? Ngh.

travelling, hypochondria, fannish stuff

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