Hey, maritime geeks!

Jun 06, 2010 22:14

I know there's some of you out there, and though this is technically a Faire post, I'm leaving this open because it's brief and includes a request.

This summer I'm playing a member of Captain James Alday's crew, and part of my goal (and instruction) for the next few weeks is to absorb as much about Elizabethan piracy and privateering as I can. I'll probably be watching some 18th-century Age of Sail stuff as well, for general immersion What It's Like On A Ship purposes and because there seems to be a lot more of it out there, so those recommendations are also welcome, but I would love to find some resources that are appropriate to 1574 Bristol, England as well.

So: What's good? What texts do you go to for crunchy historical deliciousness? What's your favorite sailing/pirate movie? Hell, toss me links to well-researched piracy fanfic. :) Send your maritime geek friends here. Feel free to lay it on me even if you think I must know about it, so you can tell me why you love it. And I will add them to my pouch of research I've already started.

Yeah, I had a good first rehearsal weekend. *collapses in a happy pile*

faire, history, pirates

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