The Unquiet Thought, Chapter 9

Jul 11, 2013 16:52

Last update until after Les Mis is over. See  you next week!

Chapter 9

Steve doesn’t know when it happened, but Thor is gone.

He’s not sure if he is relieved or frustrated by that. He’s not sure about anything right now.

Over the last month, he has watched Loki go from hurling balls of fire and egging his team on to being a silent shadow trailing after Thor and clinging to the corners of the room. The abrupt shift in… everything… leaves him unsettled.

It could be worse, Steve tells himself. If they hadn’t done what they had then Loki would still be out there causing havoc. Or he would have been killed, actually killed (actually killed? What the hell is he thinking), and even if they fought that wasn’t something Steve wanted at the time because it would hurt one of his teammates.

He had been worried though, about Thor, when the decision had been made. And he feels so stupid now, that that’s what had worried him. Thor was untouchable. Thor was a prince. They had seen it time and time again. And Loki…

(“began to believe his own lies”)

Loki was…

The logistics behind it were beyond him, but Steve knew Tony was doing something. He’s noticed, of course he’s noticed. Steve may not understand every pop culture reference, but he’s not stupid. He just hasn’t said anything about it because… honestly, he’s not sure how he feels about it. About anything.What happens if it works? What then? Loki will know what they had done.  How would he respond to that action with his hatred of them concretely justified?

What happens if it doesn’t work?


A week into Thor’s visit with Jane the Avengers are called in for the first time since Loki came to join them.

Tony gets the call when he’s in the lab, naturally, and Pepper is down in a lower level of the tower working. Even though he knows she wouldn’t appreciate it Tony is halfway to forcing Pepper across the country for safety (the potential threat isn’t even in New York, but knowing that he’s being unreasonable has never been enough to stop him before).

A green smoothie clicks down on the table next to him while he is hacking S.H.I.E.L.D’S server.

“There is to be a battle?”

“Probably,” Tony brushes away the evidence, lets JARVIS take care of the rest behind the scenes. Loki takes a step back to allow space for the movement. “Scoping it out first.” IT is an infiltration of a potential Hydra base that looks like it should be simple, but will probably end up being a crap shoot because that’s how these things work.

“Oh,” Loki grabs a stool and sits down. Tony sets up a quick diagnostic test on the Mark VIII.  He already knows what the results will be; it doesn’t hurt to be cautious. “Will you… all be present?”

All of course meaning Thor.

“I don’t know- maybe?” He’s actually being flown in as they speak, should be there within the hour and then it’s off to briefing for all of them, but that’s not something Tony wants to discuss right now. The hopefulness in Loki’s eyes is enough to make him crush the thought. “Why don’t you stay down here while we’re gone, occupy the bots. They are extra needy today.” Something crashes on the other side of the lab. “Butterfingers, go to your room!”

The bot buzzes defiantly, but heads to his charging station.

By the time JARVIS announces their transport is ready, Tony has left Loki behind with permission to use the holographic display. It won’t keep him there for long, Tony isn’t kidding himself, but it will hopefully be enough time to get the rest of them and Thor out of the tower.

As they wait for Thor to suit up (Tony cannot remember a time when the Asgardian had not had his gear readily available) Clint asks if they can lock Loki somewhere until they get back. So he can’t get into anything. There is almost an argument that stops when Thor finally joins them on the roof for departure.  They are in the air when Steve asks him about the axe he has strapped to his back.

“A warrior is useless if he relies on one weapon, I desired to reacquaint myself with those I have used in the past.”

Natasha hums under her breath.


The base is in flames and useless when they leave.

Tony should probably feel bad about that.


He lands first and, as the armor is removed piece by piece, watches Loki stand from the couch, book dropping to the side. His eyes lighting up when he sees Tony.

“Everyone has returned?”

“Yeah,” Tony steps out of the armor’s boots, trying to think of a way to get Loki out of the room quickly. The jet should be landing on the roof any minute. “They’ll be down.”

The taller man looks around, shuffling anything he sees that might be considered out of place. As Tony takes in the room he realizes that everything is Clean. It’s not that they’re slobs, but the common room is a common room and all of them use it. Perfectly straightened pillows, spotless floors, and a table that has been pre-stocked with all of their usual after mission snacks are not a part of the room’s natural state.

When everything is to his satisfaction, Loki stands close by the hall near the elevators. He shifts restlessly from one foot to the other, like a small boy unable to contain his excitement.

“The rest of the team is on their way down, sir.” JARVIS announces, monotone.

Loki straightens his new clothing; Tony forces himself to move casually, trying to keep busy and Not Say Anything.

Then Thor walks through the doors.

Chapter 10

tony, fanfiction, loki, golem-verse

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