Translations of Gackt's back diary entries....

May 15, 2005 18:11

I have taken up translating Gackt's back diary entries for Muse.  So, as we continue to enjoy gakuto_chan 's wonderful translations of all the recent entries, I will be providing blasts from the past with my translations.  ^^  I have done these few entries for 2005 and will soon start on 2004 entries.  I was thinking of going in some chronological order, but then I saw that there were some entries that screamed to be translated first.  I might do the rest in some random order...

Because these diary entries are precious, because they show the most personal and private side of Gackt, I will have to have rules.  These rules are the same as Cheri's.
  1. Do not take any of these translations, even for yourself, without my permission.  Even if you ask for my permission, I don't know if I can give it.  The worst that could happen is that these translations would be taken out of context, and that must never happen.
  2. Do not redistribute these translations anywhere.  If anyone wants to read them, please direct them to this LJ.  Same reasoning as for #1.
  3. Respect Gackt and each other.

With all that said, here are the translations so far...

Happy New Year
Tuesday, January 4, 2005 19:50


It's Happy New Year, isn't it.
The New Year's party from hell that started after Kouhaku and Countdown finished,
this year it was bad (“yabakatta”) too... [1]
It was not as bad as last year, it was fun, but as expected just by drinking that much,
my legs go “fura fura”. [2]
This year I will also put in a fighting spirit [3] and progress straight forward, but
all of you must firmly come along with me.
It's the fighting spirit, you know.  The fighting spirit.


[1] “yabakatta”:  literally means it was dangerous.
[2] “fura fura”:  wobbly; shaky; unsteady.
[3] “kiai”:  scream; yell; fighting spirit.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005  07:09


It's finished~~
At last, work on the Arittake No Ai De PV is finished.
Aa----, I'm tired~~~
I think it's become a work that is quite surreal and delightful, and one that can cause laughter.
Please look forward to it.
Of course, in the morning the tension will increase...


Very soon a year will have passed...[1]
Wednesday, March 2, 2005 04:06


I feel like this past year went by in an instant.
Although there were times when I could not easily progress forward,
I have the feeling that everyone was supporting me
I feel that I must not stop, and
I am running (forward) intensely. [2]
The sudden death of a close friend who was always there since yesterday,
it's entirely like an incident from yesterday.
Right now, there is the "me" that is able to smile while talking.
Now, the surrounding people can laugh and talk about him.

Still, there are a lot of things I want to say, but
I want to put all my thoughts into my work.
Thank you to everyone.



[1] Gackt's friend and driver, Junior, passed away suddenly in March of 2004, three days before the Las Vegas fan club trip. This diary entry reflects Gackt's feelings as the one-year mark of Junior's death approached.
[2] "gamushara": reckless; impetuous; intensely; energetic.

Da....!!! [1]
Saturday, March 5, 2005 22:45

My Mac broke.....!!!!

[1] “da”: exclamation like “gah!” or “ahh!”


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