You posted a pic of Gackt's hands on his diary~ :D Or as You put it, maou no te, the demon king's hands. XD You said he took the picture yesterday, and got permission to post it on his diary. ^^ Oooh I love Gackt's hands, and I want his jewelry. @@ I'm way too happy to just see his hands... XD XD
For those of you who haven't downloaded the whole three hour Hey Hey Hey Special, I've put together the talk portions in one file and the performance in a separate file. Download them here:
Hey Hey Hey talk (79 MB)Sendspace:
Hey Hey Hey talk (79 MB)Yousendit:
Hey Hey Hey talk (79 MB) Thanks for reupping
Hey Hey Hey performance (86 MB)Sendspace:
Hey Hey Hey performance (86 MB)Yousendit:
Hey Hey Hey performance (86 MB) Thanks for reupping
Thanks to Nermal and Mulux for uploading the torrents at Jpopsuki~
I won't post screencaps~ For people who want to be surprised. ^^ I'll just say he looks HOT. HOTTO desu yo. (o^-^)o
Here's a short summary of the talk portions~
Throughout the show, each guest or group asks a question of one of the other guests. The first question to Gackt is from Sukima Switch. They ask him (referring to him as "Gundam mania Gacktsan" XD) to please tell them his favorite line from Gundam. First Downtown comments on his hair. ^^ "It's nice and refreshing! It looks good!" Gackt says he got it done the day before yesterday. XD Hama asks, "He's a Gundam mania?", and Sukima Switch says, "yeah he's famous for liking Gundam." So Gackt says a line ("mitometakunaimonodana..."), and the Sukima guy says, "it's Char's line, from Zeta desu ne." ^^ They say he sounds just like Char. ^^ Then Gackt is all smiling and Downtown says "he looks really happy huh?" XD After Sukima Switch leave, Matsumoto says "I wonder how much Gakuchan's haircut cost?"
Next question to Gackt is from Amuro Namie~ "Gackt does everything on a large scale; do you take any measures in case of an emergency?" She wants to know what he would take with him if there was an emergency and he needed to escape. Gackt says, "Things like water..." and Downtown says "That's so ordinary!" Then I think he says he stores 200-300 bottles of water at home. Matsumoto asks if he has emergency food, and Hama asks if he has a bag with stuff in it. Gackt says, "beef jerkey, almonds..." Then Matsumoto says "It wasn't really a question for Gakuchan was it?"
The talk portion before his performance~
Most of the guests came with a card on which they wrote how old they were 13 years ago (because it's a 13th anniversary special) and what they were doing at that time, but no card for Gackt! Yeah I wonder why. XD XD They just go straight to his question.
Gackt's question is for Yamada Yuu. His question is: "How is your grandma?" Yuu starts telling the story, and Matsumoto says "Why are you telling it, Gackt should be telling it." XD Gackt starts talking, and Hama says that Amuro is getting in the way (because in the previous segment, she was in between the two people that were talking, and Hama said she was in the way, so she got up and went all the way to the back XD). Gackt continues his story, saying his mom and Yuu-chan's grandma are close friends. Five years ago, he got a phone call (from his mom I believe), and was told "there's a model, so go out to dinner with her", Gackt thought "it's like a meeting for an arranged marriage," so he didn't want to. Turns out it was Yuu. Hama asks Yuu if she went to dinner with him, and she said her grandma didn't watch TV, so she didn't know anything about Gackt. So her grandma said she wouldn't give her phone number to some guy she doesn't know. Afterwards, she told her grandma "It's GACKT!!" XD (Yuu-chan must've been like "DUUDE give him my number!!!" XD)