DIABOLOS Live Tour writeup~

Jan 22, 2006 18:57

I never did a detailed write-up of the DIABOLOS concerts.  So after watching the Tokyo Dome final, I thought it was about time. ^^  I'll try to translate as much as I can too, including the MC. :D  For those of you who don't want to read this yet because you haven't seen it *eyes Imee* please come back later after you've seen it! :D  And as a warning, this is really long because of the MC. ^^;;

Edit: Same rules as always apply to the translations~ Please do not copy, take, redistribute, retranslate or repost without my permission. Thank you~

Prologue (Saigo no Yoru; Yami no Shoukan "The Final Night; Redemption of Darkness")

ningen wa kami to akuma no aida ni fuyuu suru
"Humans are suspended between god and devil"

Those were the words that first come up before the movie~

As he picks up the sword, Gackt says: "You guys escape; we'll hold back the rest."

These are the five shito that decided to rise up against their creators, the DARTS.  To me it feels like this is the moment when they decide to finally prove their worth.  In the end, do they really die?  I think this took place after they all awakened, so a few stabs wouldn't really kill them would it...?  Did Gackt survive, or has his spirit been reincarnated?

The scene with the woman and the child was new for Tokyo Dome!  So I was really taken by surprise when I saw it.  I still can't figure out who they are either~  Muse suggested it could be his family; his wife and child?  But if so, is it in the past or is he foreseeing the future?  Maybe he sees an unavoidable fate.  It could be his sister... in the tour pamphlet he mentions his elder brother and sister as he stands in front of two crosses.  Another theory I had was maybe it was a flashback to a time when he was fighting for the DARTS.  Maybe there was a time period when he killed for them, as he was created to do, and he is remembering what he had done.  So then are they just random people?  Any other thoughts or theories on this are highly welcomed, you guys. ^^

So Gackt comes charging out on a horse. @@  Yup, that was new. XD  I read somewhere that he trained six months for that~ can you imagine, six months for just a few minutes.  I also immediately thought of that Club Volvic interview where they ask him what he does in his spare time, and he talks about taking up riding.  Aaah now we know why. ^^

The moment he catches the arrow and Dybbuk starts was the BEST opening of a concert I've ever experienced.


I didn't remember Chacha starting off the song. ^^  And rising up out of a platform from the stage, that was really cool!  The parts where Gackt does the arm movements, like at "mada anata wa kawarenai kara saa me wo tojite", everyone in the audience would follow.  It felt different to watch it on tv because you can't see the audience doing that.  But yes, I did it as I watched because it's now impossible not to.  And yes I jumped up and down too.  Didn't you all? XD

white eyes

white eyes, white eyes!!  That's what I thought when this song came on.  I felt sooo lucky to hear this one live.  I knew there would be songs from Crescent, so it wasn't too much of a surprise, but still.  I wish they'd focus more on Gackt when he's doing his headbanging~ :D


I knew Dispar would have some great dancing, and it sure did.  And YES Gackt can dance.  Maybe it's harder to tell on the small screen but he can~  I think people say he can't because his style of dance is really unique.  Not something that you typically see.  The movements have to be big, and even exaggerated, in order for the whole audience to feel and see the performance, right?  Anyway, the crotch grab~ I can't remember seeing that in the shows I saw.  I don't think I had a clear view of his crotch. @@;;  XD XD  And the arm movements during the chorus, again everyone in the audience did that as well~


What I remember most about Metamorphoze was that moment in the song where his voice is the loudest in the whole concert.  The part where he says "kimi to no kawashita yakusoku dake wa mamoritai" the "taaaaaaiii" was so loud it actually hurt my ears~  He's got an amazing voice.  When I saw the Tokyo Dome performance though, it sounded normal.  ^^;  Oh and I don't remember seeing that funky mic, I think it was new for Tokyo Dome. ^^


I was prepared for the new song because he had spoiled it by saying he'd be singing a new one in the concert. ^^  But I wasn't expecting the You rapping. XD  During one of the concerts, there were these girls behind me that were talking and laughing in the middle of You's rapping and it was sooo annoying.  I turned around and gave a quick look and they  stopped. ^^;;  But these girls were in love with You by the end of the concert, it was really cute.  They were all "yabai yabai!" ("this is bad, this is bad!") for loving You instead of Gackt~ XD  At the time, the most I could remember of this song was when he says "Redemption~" because I remember thinking, "oh that's what it's called!!"


This song was intense every time he sang it.  Especially the part where he yells "aaaaash" and drops to his knees and starts convulsing.  And his voice... so beautiful.  After all this time, I still can't figure out Ash completely.  I still have a strong feeling that he is foreseeing the future, that the destruction takes place in the future.  I think the line right before the "aaaash" holds a lot of meaning:  "subete wo keseru nara kokoro sae mou iranai" ("if all can be erased, then I don't even need my heart").  Does it hint at the time before the memories of the DARTS were sealed...?  And of course, who is "I" and who is the one next to him... his companion or his most loved one?


It felt strange to hear Misty in the middle because I'm so used to hearing it as the first song on DIABOLOS.  I kept wondering where in the concert it would fall.  It was always a dream to witness Gackt playing the piano live~ and it's something you must experience.  During the third performance, he changed it up in the middle.  Beautiful~  and wonderful when You comes out and plays the violin.  This is the first song that almost made me cry.  As great as it was to see live, seeing it on video is wonderful because of the camera angles.  Seeing his hands going across the keys~

Yume no Bannin ("Guardian of Dreams")

What I can make of the beginning:

"This is a dream.  In his dream, everlasting life is a journey to everlasting death.  He's a sole survivor..."

When those guitars kick in I can't understand it.  ;__;  I can catch "pain, sadness, suffering, fear..."  And I think the last thing he says is "Now he has created a brotherhood."

Chacha's guitar was loud, and I've never heard a guitar sound quite like that.

Lust for Blood

The opening of Lust for Blood totally blew me away.  I couldn't believe he came down in that coffin~  It was just so perfect.  So perfect that I wonder if Gackt could see it play out like that in his mind.  You know how he sees things as moving images in his mind; I wonder if that's how it was for this song.  One thing I loved about this performance was that he was at the top of the stairs so I could really see him. ^^  His movement as he he slowly makes his way down the stairs is amazing.   This song felt much longer at the concert though.  Starting with Lust for Blood, Gackt has 'awakened' as a vampire...


I spent most of this song trying to figure out who/what the white creatures were.  ^^;;  They're not shito, they're not vampires, they're not DARTS...  Gackt bites one of them in the end, though he seems to try to resist.  You can't see that very well on the tv performance because the editing is so bad. -__-  I couldn't help thinking, well they do predict the future, so maybe this is like really really far into the future?  When aliens have landed?? XD  And then I thought, well maybe they're ghosts/spirits of something.  I thought of that because I saw some of them jump with their arms straight out, like those Chinese hopping ghosts...?  Any other theories/thoughts are much appreciated on this one.  Ooh and this performance was really great but I didn't like the fact that Gackt spent most of it on his knees where I couldn't see him. ^^;


As Farewell starts, Gackt is flying~  I was so happy to see him flying because I've always loved it.  It was a little bit of consolation for not having him perform Dears, where he sometimes flies too.  Some people were flying with him, but I could only stare and take it all in.  I think it was the third show, where at the very end, right before the lights go down, he seemed to falter.  That was the one and only time when my heart stopped because I thought he was going to collapse.  It's amazing how he puts so much into his performance, and each time it's at 100%.  You can see when something seems 'not right'.  But he was alright, and he came back to finish with all he had~

Ooh and yeah, there was that moment during the Tokyo Dome performance when something sounded not right and I turned to Mr. G_n_n and said "Hey the mic just cut out!"  It wasn't until after I read Muse's report that I realized that he had forgotten the lyric. ^^;  I guess I'd never seen that happen so I just assumed the mic had cut out... but he picked it up just fine after that.


Whoever edited this together totally missed out on the first part where he is dancing really beautiful.  His movements are so fluid in Future~  He seems to be controlling the dancers, who are people dressed in European clothes, but wearing white masks.  What do they represent?  Did he create them?

Interlude video

The first part of the video was really hard to watch.  Good acting by them all~  But leave it to Gackt to follow up such gruesomeness with humor.  At the second and third shows, I could hardly hold in the laughter because I knew Chacha's 'together~~~' was coming up. XD  But my favorite was when Gackt's in the cat costume~ so funny.  Was really cool when Gackt and GacktJob walk off and you see their costumes morph back to the Shito outfits~

You:  "You are not alone."
Ryu:  "We are by your side."
Ju-ken:  "We are always together."
Chacha:  "...to.ge.ther..."


Cha:  "Gakkun what's wrong?"
Ju-ken:  "Probably had a weird dream, huh?"
You:  "Alright?"


Black Stone

Then Black Stone kicks in with Gackt wearing the outfit I love so much. ^^  It's a great way to kick off the second part of the concert.  It felt like a release of pent-up happiness~  Gackt was smiling a lot~~


No Gackt concert is completed without Mirror.  Believe me.  It was just like you see in concert DVDs~  Starting with the “Gacktoooooo” and Gackt's “kakatte koi~!!”  I was bouncing up and down so much in this one, and it's really cool to jump together with the band. ^^  rattataaaa~  He yells really loud too, and it's amazing that he can yell that loud and then continue singing after that.  During the third performance, Gackt smashed his lovely guitar onto the stage.  ^^;  That show was definitely the wildest!  He fell over onto his butt at the end, twice.  Oh and it was great to see the other guys running around and interacting with the audience too.  You and Ju-ken were especially fired up.  Oh I almost forgot the finger wiggling~ Gackt was really really into wiggling his fingers to get us riled up. ^^

Gackt at the break in Mirror:
"That's not all you've got is it?" (repeat three times)
"You're gonna let (us) hear your voice more aren't you?"
"You're gonna let (us) hear more aren't you??"
"You're gonna make (us) go more aren't you??"
"You're gonna make (us) more wet aren't you???"
"(Let's) do something that feels good~"
"Put some soul into your voice~"
"(Let's) have sex!"

(audience screams and dies)


Gackt: "Welcome home!"
Audience:  "I'm home!"
(repeats all around the Dome)

Gackt:  "I'm home~"
(audience: "Welcome home!")
"Camui Gackt, DIABOLOS Aien no Uta, the thirty...sixth performance, is it?  Final~~"
"Somehow I've made it here.  But all of this... it's all thanks to me."
(audience laughs and applauds)
"All of you continued to support us up to now, thank you."
(Gackt bows to the audience)
"By the way, how do you say it... Tokyo Dome...  We've been doing the tour all along, why the DOME for the final.  I really kept thinking (about that).  Yesterday at rehearsal, I checked the stage from all the arena seats, and went around the stands.  Over there, around the tenth row, if this were a hall you'd be in the very back. (audience laughs)  Really, from the very back of the stand... they can't see anything.  At the very back, they are really trying hard like this (Gackt demonstrates; and sorry I can't catch what he says after that).  Today's Christmas eve!  It's Merry Christmas (Merry Kuri).  (something about saying 'Merry Kuri' with a serious look)."
"You know, this is a big venue, so I can't hear what everyone's saying."
(audience yells and screams)
"Today's Christmas eve, so I thought, it'd be nice to give everyone a present.  Well, the Christmas eve live itself was a promise.  But, today there are 45,000 individuals here."
(audience applauds)
"So out of all these 45,000 people, I wondered what it would be like if I gave just one person a present.  So I thought about it, and wondered how I could choose just one out of all of them-- "
(someone yells out)
"I'm still in the middle of talking, so you don't have to appeal to me like that yet."
(audience laughs)
"So I thought about it and couldn't think of a good idea.  I thought, 'aa, today's December 24 isn't it...'.  So, cell phones that start with 1224 after 090..."
(audience:  "eeeeee??")
"Don't say 'ee'.  1224.  Shall I give the stage to (whoever has) 1224?  Does anyone, guy or girl, have 1224 (as their cell number)?"
(sweater guy goes up on stage)
(Gackt laughs)
"Anyone in the stands?"
(Girl raises hand)
"No?  Is there?  Where.  In the stand?  Who?  Raise your hand.  I can't see at all."
(audience laughs)
"Jump.  Me me me me me me me me me me me.  I got it.  I got it.  I GOT IT.  I'm saying I GOT IT!!  I'm saying I got it, YOU.  The staff is coming to get you."
(Gackt turns to sweater guy)
"We've got some time while the girl comes up here, so why not take off some clothes?  Go ahead go ahead."
(guy takes his sweater off)
"Your wife's going 'no no!'"
"One guy, one girl.  Wonderful.  Wow, when I look at the figures of you two it's like 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' (Michi to no Souguu)."
(audience laughs)
"There's one more?  Wow.  Another guy.  Today's guy day huh.  Who did you come with? (guy answers) You also came with your wife.  Who did you come with?"
(girl answers)
"I didn't ask for the name you know.  Airi-chan?"
(girl jumps up and down and claps)
"No no no, your reaction is weird.  When you were coming up, I also thought 'Aa, "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"', but even now, I have the feeling of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" you know.  You're kinda scary."
(audience laughs)
"One more?  I wonder where (she's coming from).  So, tell me where you're all from."
(guy answers)
"He's from Gunma.  What's your name?  His name is Kiyote.  Kiyote.  Where are you from?  (girl answers).  She's from Kanagawa."
(another girl comes up)
"Aa.  What's wrong?  Are these three animals unusual?  Okay, okay, don't cry!  I know!  (laughs)  Okay, okay!  You know, these are unusual creatures, but you don't need to be that scared.  There's no danger.  Okay?"
(audience laughs)
"What's your name?  (guy answers).  Yoshio.  Yoshio.  Oh, there's another.  Okay, the five of you will do jyan ken.  I'll do jyan ken too, and there will be just one who wins against me.  Ready?  Ready?  Put your hand out!!  JYAN KEN."
"saishohagu, jyankenpoi.  Ah you lost.  saishohagu, jyankenpoi.  Aa, you won."
(girl screams, audience applauds)
"Everyone please applaud these four wonderful creatures who lost."
(audience applauds)
"Aah, it's like they're going down in cosmic rays."
(Gackt waves goodbye to the aliens)

"Yosh.  So shall we go to the next song?"
(girl gets closer to Gackt, audience goes "eeeeeee")
"What's your name?  Mami-chan?  Mami-chan, look.  There's all these kind people here thinking 'Good for Mami-chan!'  Mami-chan, what do you want?"
(audience: "eeeeeee????")
"Are you an idiot?  Ask for something from the members.  Ju-ken.  This is from Ju-ken.  (Gackt's Killer Crew T).  Use this as a washcloth, okay?  Sorry (to Ju-ken).  Ryu, what will you give?  He's hiding it.  Alright.  Ryu, isn't it true?  Isn't this the first time you've come down onto the stage?"
(Ryu nods, audience cheers)
"You know, Mami-chan is doki doki, and you're doki doki too.  What will you give?  Drumsticks and gloves.  Wow~  Ryu, you can go back now."
"Hey you (points to You), give me your underwear."
(You checks his underwear)
(You gives the X sign)
"Come on it's alright, your white Gunze underwear.   It's alright, it's alright if there's stuff on it.  Is it alright if there's stuff on it (to Mami-chan)?  It's a little brown.  No?  No Gunze.  Give me that belt."
(You comes down ready to give the belt)
"Hmm, yours is the cheapest.  Give me your glasses.  Sunglasses."
(You gives the sunglasses after trying them on)
"You really are like Robocop huh."
"Give me this belt.  Take it off, hurry.  There's no time.  Hurry up, hurry up.  (Gackt whips the belt off).  Give me the underwear too. (Gackt pulls on You's pants)"
(You runs off holding up his pants)
"Chacha... Chacha give me your wig."
(Chacha waves off Gackt)
"Chacha, give me a parka.  Give me clothes.  Clothes.  Clothes clothes.  Yeah, okay that's fine.  Just the clothes is fine.  Chacha, this isn't yours!  This is a tour parka!  Aa, it's signed.  Just this is not enough.  Give me your guitar." 
(audience:  "eeeeee??")
"Guitar.  Give me your guitar."
(Chacha comes out with the guitar)
"This is good, we'll give it (to her).   You know, you can get a lot for this on Yahoo Auction.  The gloves... are a little used, probably can't sell, but THIS will sell.  Around 2,000 yen.  This is heavy so..."  
"So, from me...  What should I give.  Hmm?  What what?"
(Mami-chan says something to Gackt)
"You want me?   Can I say it?  Are you an idiot?  No no no.  Jya..."
(Gackt takes his ring off and puts it on Mami-chan's finger)
"I'll give you my ring.  Don't cry!  It's scary.  Alright carry this.  Hmm?  What what?"
(Mami-chan says something to Gackt again)
(Gackt hugs Mami-chan)
(can't catch what he's saying as she leaves)

"Because it's Christmas.  Christmas really is nice isn't it.  You feel warm.  Today I prepared a lot of presents for you all and I wanted an unforgettable night.  Not just me, but the whole staff, stayed up all night working for three days."
(audience applauds)
"The staff really put their lives into making this a show where everyone would say 'Gackt's live really is the best.'  They worked for three days, just to see the faces of those enjoying the show.  I think all of your feelings have been conveyed to the staff and all my servants here, (audience laughs) the members.  Thank you from the staff and myself."
"I'd like to introduce our members who gave such wonderful gifts!"
"He had a ripped glove ready as a present.  She's probably wondering what to do with that worn out drumstick.  Ryu!"
(can't catch most of the one for Ju-ken, sorry -__-)
"Chacha you're so cool.  He gave a guitar as a present, and signed it like 'saaaa'.  He brings it out, and then, hugged her even though she wasn't hoping for that.  Really cool...  If that weren't a wig, how much cooler would he be??  Chacha!"
"You, as a fellow guitarist, you should learn more from Chacha.  Is it because of the Gunze underwear?  It's not good is it?  Stained and all.  Standing on the stage together with me these 13 years... 14 years...  He's supported me this whole time, my precious family.  You!"
(You waves, all teary)
"To the end of today, those who want to sing, sing.  Those who want to dance, dance.  Those who want to go, GO!"

"tsuki no mahou wa shalle a le rilla amai koe de sasayaku kara
mou ichido dake kanau nara te wo tsunaide kimi to waraitai
yume no naka de kioku no naka de kitto mata aeru ne~"

"Merry Christmas"


Just a couple comments: I was sooo happy for that girl! :D and, Gackt knows You's underwear brand? XD


No Gackt concert is complete without the dancing cats!  It's so great when at the beginning he drops his voice out and we can hear ourselves singing (except I don't remember him doing that in Okinawa).  This song is soooo much fun, especially doing all the arm movements and such.  And yes, the hopping and jumping!  I love his "nya nyas" and the big wave~ ("ooki na nami ga kuru yooo!!")  He really puts his all into the cat poses too. =^^=

Someone posted on Dears LJ that he said this was his last time performing U+K...  If he did, then they cut it out of the WOWOW broadcast though.  I wonder why?  I am really sad that this will be the last time.  Not only that I won't be able to experience it again, but that others will never get to see it. ;__;  I wanted to see U+K together with friends one day...


Next is Storm, and when this one started, I was all sweaty from the U+K dancing.  And I stayed sweaty from the clapping and dancing and arm movements in Storm. ^^; It's a great clap-along song.  I must admit this was never my favorite song, but after seeing it in concert, it grew on me.


He introduces Road with a quote~ a modified version of a line from the song:

"moshi boku ga... moshi boku ga kimitachi yori saki ni kiete nakunattemo, boku wa kaze ni natte itsumo kimitachi no, kimitachi no soba ni isshouni iru kara"

"If I should disappear and leave before you, I will become the wind and be by your side forever."

This is the version from the Tokyo Dome live.  Each time, it was just slightly different.  But when he first said it, I was so moved.  It's the same line that I had quoted in my LJ at almost the same exact time that Imee also quoted that line.  I couldn't wait to tell Imee about that...  That line is also on the paper that goes around the PBVI.

In the shows that I saw, it looked like he was flying, more like gliding~.  Everytime he reached out to the audience, I reached out too.  The part where he does the “aah ah aah ah” is beautiful.  And after he sings that line, the streamers shot out into the audience.  It's perfect.  The sight of the silver streamers falling down from the sky as the song played on~ it's something I will never forget.  In that moment, the emotions welled up inside and I felt connected to him~  I'm glad I caught one of those streamers too, as a reminder...

Road has a special place in my heart.  It's the song that reminds me that I am taking the journey together with him.  And that even if I can't see him, and even if I feel separated from him, he will always be there.  It gives me courage to continue on, even through sadness and pain.  Because he is always there~ the wind that surrounds and protects me.

Todokanai Ai To Shitteitanoni Osaekirezuni Aishitsuzuketa...

One other reason Road was so emotional was because I knew there would only be one song left after it.  There weren't any encores for any of the shows I went to, so no 12Gatsu or Love Letter.  But Todokanai Ai really felt like the perfect ending~ bringing us back into the story and leaving us with a feeling of closure.  When the lights came back up, I was left with that final image~~

Juunigatsu no Love Song

It must've been amazing to see this live.  There's probably no way to capture exactly how it was to see Gackt flying up there...  And the feathers!  It was just so beautiful.  And amazing how high up that platform went.  He really does all he can to be closer to the whole audience.

Love Letter

I had a feeling he'd sing this for Tokyo Dome.  I was hoping he might sing it at Okinawa, but when he didn't, I hoped for Tokyo Dome.  After all it was Christmas~ there had to be some romance from Gackt. ^^

translation, diabolos, gackt, tokyo dome, gackt live

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