Gackt Live November 27, 2005 ~ Tokyo International Forum

Nov 27, 2005 23:28

Still spoiler free~~ :D

First of all, thanks for all your comments on my last post. :D  Because you all told me to enjoy today and not worry about not seeing him again, I had the best time ever.  Instead of feeling anxiety and sadness, I just felt happiness that I could be there.  You guys are the greatest~~

I also wore really comfortable shoes today, so I was bouncing around more than usual. ^^  I also screamed as loud as I could because I figured it wouldn't matter if I lost my voice on the last day~ nodo ga itai yo.  I really gave it my all today, and it felt good!!  Because my head was clear, I was able to concentrate a lot on the show as a whole.  The story he is presenting, and all the details that go with it.  It's just so brilliant, and I can't wait until you all get to see it and experience it yourselves on DVD.

And that's all~


uso, uso.  Kidding~ XD

Gackt was still a bit under the weather today.  And he seemed a little more tired than yesterday.  But he still sang and danced and performed with all he had.  I was sitting on the opposite side today, on You's side.  The funny thing is that when I was on Chacha's side yesterday, I couldn't see him at all, and when I was on You's side, I couldn't see You at all!  The angles were all wrong~  But I was too busy staring at Gackt anyway. XD  Oooh, but I did notice today that Chacha's hair is really long now. ^^

The best thing about today's concert was the audience~  they were really into the show.  Maybe because it was the last Tokyo show (other than Tokyo Dome of course).  Whatever it was, the audience was electrified, and that made the concert even more wild and fun.  The two girls in front of us were really into it too, bouncing up and down and doing all the hand movements in unison~

He started the MC by saying he had forgotten everything he was going to say, and so he'd just go on to the next song.  XD  That got a big 'eeeeee?!" from the audience.  But, the MC was way shorter than yesterday.  And, most of it went over my head. ^^;;  I really wish I understood more of it because it was really funny~  Imee, I wish I could've borrowed your ears and brain for tonight's MC.  yabai.

He said that Ju-Ken had just come from the hospital~  He didn't say what happened, but he said he should probably not be playing up on the stage.  The show had started over 30 minutes late, and Gackt apologized, saying it was all Ju-Ken's fault~ ^^  I knew something had to be wrong, but never thought it'd be something serious like that.  I wonder if Gackt cut the MC short for Ju-Ken's sake...

There was a moment when Gackt was backlit, and I could see the sweat drops falling down from his face...

I didn't get close to any of his Volvic throws, and I didn't get a streamer this time round...

So ends my Gackt adventure.  It was quite a rollercoaster ride~  And I can't wait until the next time I can experience Gackt's concert.  I hope it will be sooner than later.  *starts making plans* XD

For all of you going to Tokyo Dome, HAVE FUN!!  It's going to be wonderful, I know it.

I still haven't written down my thoughts about the actual content of the concert. ^^;  I better do that before I forget stuff...  Maybe on the plane ride back?

This is me after the concert, being very happy about that sign~ XD XD

Down in the lobby area they had on display all the congratulatory flowers that were sent to Gackt by various companies (and one Hyde ^^).  I can make out Nippon Crown, Arena 37, B=Pass, Oricon Style and Music On!TV.  Looks like that guy really didn't want us to take the pic, but then he didn't stop us either. ^^;

Oh and this probably goes without saying, but please don't post these photos, or any others I put on my LJ, anywhere.  Thanks! ^^

diabolos, japan, pics, gackt, gackt live

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