For reference: Kanzaki Shiro has taken away the Riders' powers till they find Yui, so Ren and Shinji go find her. Then Ren and Shinji meet up with Reiko, who has found Asakura's brother because Asakura claims he "might change" if he sees him. So they convince the brother to meet Asakura and things just go downhill from there. :D
☆ Just where did Ren get a big old SUV?? I never stopped to think about that... does it belong to Yui's grandma? I forget if he's used it before (probably when they go to the beach to talk to Megumi back when she was suing Kitaoka).
☆ When you rewatch the conversation at the beach between Yui and Shiro knowing the truth about Yui, it's just so sad, to hear her talk about how happy they were as a family, and Shiro's lines about how she'll have many more happy moments and how she should "live her life" have so many more layers, obviously.
☆ I think this is the episode where Shinji's optimism and faith trully broke, isn't it? I mean, he'd already had huge disappointments and goten really angry over previous incidents, but I think this time, Asakura killed his last remmant of hope. Not only did Shinji failing in helping to "change" him... Asakura was using Reiko's good intention, her faith that there was still some humanity left in him, as a tool to lure in his brother so he could kill him in cold blood.
☆ On that note, I LOVE that Asakura was playing Reiko all along. He didn't know his brother was alive till he heard her, and he just.. immediately starts playing her. He's such a CHARISMATIC villain.
☆ It struck me watching the last scene that Zolda chose to go into close combat from the start this time. Off the top of my head I can't think of a single other time that's happened, he always just wants to shoot things from a safe distance and avoids cose quarters since he kinda sucks at fighting that way. :D;;
☆ Goro-chan ♡