FFT: Chapter 11--Ala Dean and the Wonderful Lamp (Part I) In which Aladdin is whitewashed and moved to Ye Olde Fantasy Europe; there’s a lot more mention of rape; taxes can be paid in people, especially women and children; Allie’s mother loathes royalty and aristocracy while wanting her daughter to marry into either; Allie’s “uncle,” Not!Jafar, pervs on her and suggests that she become a high-class prostitute; and Allie is about as passive as a person can be while not being comatose.
Didn’t you always feel that the story of Aladdin was missing all of this? [/sarcasm mode]
#warning: do not want, #warning: incestuous undertones, #warning: potential triggers, #warning: rape (mentioned), #warning: sexism, #warning: slavery (mentioned)