The master list is up! I got two stories:
A Revolutionary Act by nonisland
Arachne knows of the gods’ deeds, and doesn’t believe she owes them anything.
The Gorgon Knot by MiraMira
For too long, Stheno and Eurayle have wandered from world to world, seeking an end to their immortality. Can the mostly mortal granddaughter of Death find a way to grant it to them?
These are both gems. Everyone should read them. They're things of beauty.
I also wrote two stories:
In the Company of Monsters for
yesvember Post-A Feast for Crows. Keeping oaths is a deadly business, and nobody knows this better than Brienne of Tarth.
The Unchronicled Battles of Cassiopeia Black for
alley_skywalker It was all very well to say horrible things about Squibs when you didn’t know any. It was something else again to say that your five-year-old brother was an inhuman, soulless thing who deserved nothing but loathing and death.