Fannish 5: Movies

Mar 30, 2012 14:42

Name the top 5 movies of 2012 that you are looking forward to, whether they are in theaters already or not.

I can't complete this one, because there are only four movies that I care about.


2) Brave.

3) The Hobbit. (Though it REALLY doesn't seem as if it needs to be two parts.)

4) The Avengers.

I already know that I don't want to see The Dark Knight Rises or The Amazing Spider-man because I do not tend to watch superhero movies. It's unusual that I even want to see The Avengers. And while Snow White and the Huntsman sounds like my type of movie...Kristen Stewart is playing the lead role. And I know that I could not look at her without seeing Bella Swan. Perhaps that is not fair to the actress, but I know that I couldn't.

By the way, what's with the movies discovering "Snow White" this year? There are three movies about Snow White: Mirror, Mirror; Snow White and the Huntsman; and Grimm's Snow White, produced by the knockoff shop The Asylum. (They specialize in what are called "mockbusters"--movies that are similar to existing movies and have ALMOST the right title. Like Transmorphers, for example.)


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fannish 5, memes, movies

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