Being An Adult

Sep 14, 2011 13:03

Things I have done today:

1) Slept. I do feel better, though I should get to bed early tonight.

2) Called about an Energy Assistance appointment. (Not happening. The town doesn't have all the info in place yet. They say to call back on the 19th of September or after.

3) Called my internist about form for blood work. (This will be sent. Check.)

4) Called Hartford Hospital Billing Department and the hospital's Office of Professional Services about this. Not only do they have no records of any outstanding bills in my aunt's name, nor do they have any records of the alleged doctor who signed off on the bill.

Also, OPS agrees that not calling the number on the bill is a wise idea. They said they were going to look into it.

5) Edited. (Still editing, actually--I've taken a break from one manuscript and am now doing another.)

6) Made dinner. (No, this is an achievement--when I'm feeling sick, as I am today, I don't WANT to cook, much less make anything more complicated than toast or cereal.)

And, hopefully, I can get some writing done after dinner.

Not a very interesting post, I know. Sorry.


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