Bullying Laws...and Good News

Oct 06, 2010 14:50

There has been a lot of talk lately about bullying, especially bullying in America. While I'm not sure what the laws regarding bullying are in other countries--and if anyone knows, please tell me so that I can post the information--I have found a site that details the laws on bullying in each state (and territory, because Puerto Rico also has an anti-bullying law)...or, in rare cases, the states which have no such laws. (Those states are Hawaii, Michigan, Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota.)

Here's the site:


This one breaks it down even more, describing the laws and bringing in places like American Samoa and the U.S. Virgin Islands:


erastes just told me about this site regarding anti-bullying laws in the U.K.:


ETA2: I just found These links:

Anti-Bullying Centre (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland).

No Bully (New Zealand). (Here's their resource page).

Here's a site on workplace bullying. It mentions quite a number of organizations all over the world that are designed to help adults who are being bullied. (Judging from the number of organizations, workplace bullying is depressingly common.)


Oh, and apropos of nothing--I've just come back from the doctor's and been told that I've lost fifty pounds. (Since the last time he saw me, which was admittedly three years ago. But I am still pleased!)

This entry was originally posted at http://gehayi.dreamwidth.org/418059.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

health, laws, bullying, human rights

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