I have to promote a couple of things that are incredibly good ideas:
misscam is thinking of
a multifandom ficathon where the girl would get to save the guy. Romance is not necessarily involved (though it can be--it's just not a requirement), and the woman can save the guy by any means--intelligence, cunning, application of a particular talent, physical force, a combination of any of these...it doesn't matter.
So go to her LJ and tell her what you think of this.
medie is having an Awesome People of Colour Are Awesome Comment-a-thon on both LJ and Dreamwidth.
Here is the rules-and-prompts post for LJ:
Here is the rules-and-prompt post for Dreamwidth:
scrollgirl has created beautiful banners for both the LJ version and the Dreamwidth one, and I would post them here if I could, but since I don't have the HTML for the banners, go see them here:
http://scrollgirl.livejournal.com/762079.html ETA:
scrollgirl supplied me with the HTML! Go her!