Doctor Who Finale

Jul 24, 2010 23:49

OH MY GOD. I'm somewhat incoherent here.

Amy Pond is officially awesome. At no time during the finale was she less than fantastic. And at no time during the finale was little Amelia less than fantastic.

Also, I don't blame little Amelia for being hostile to psychiatrists after seeing one of them tell her that there were no such things as stars. Even if there WERE no stars, there's nothing wrong with dreaming of things that never were. Imagination is not the same thing as emotional disturbance, thank you.

Dear God, even Daleks don't want to mess with River Song! (For the record, I don't think that the Dalek was frightened of her, because Daleks do not get frightened of anyone but the Doctor, and they don't even admit to being afraid of him. But I can picture a Dalek deciding that asking for mercy would buy it time and unsettle and possibly psych out its opponent while letting it get close enough to kill. It's a DALEK, after all. "EX-TER-MIN-ATE" is their whole raison d'etre.)

Rory Williams is the best boyfriend in the history of the universe and I love him to pieces. Brave and loving and loyal and just a wonderful person all around. Guarding his girlfriend alone for two thousand years, protecting her from all threats, including incendiary bombs in the Blitz...that's dedication. That's devotion. And he thinks it's completely worth it because Amy means more to Rory than his life, his existence or the entire universe.

I'm not even a shipper, and I ship Amy/Rory SO HARD now.

And I love the Doctor telling wee Amelia a bedtime story because it was such a grandfatherly thing to do.

P.S. Is anyone else dying to see the Doctor and Rory and Amy hunting the goddess Isis on the Space Orient Express? And is everyone else hoping that the answer will NOT have anything to do with Daleks or Cybermen?

P.P.S. And if all universes have been rebooted with some significant changes...doesn't that mean that Gallifrey could be back?


doctor who

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