Answers to the Ten Characters Meme

Jul 24, 2010 00:03

So there's this meme that goes around every so often when you make a list of ten characters and then your flist asks you questions about them without knowing who they are. Hilarity ensues. I would like to play this game! So. Ask me questions or provide amusing scenarios, like so: 3 and 7 are trapped in an elevator or 4, 6, and 10: space opera! or what would happen if 3 walked in on 8 and 1 having sex? And then I will write the answers based on the Secret List of Random People I have assembled.

So this was my list:

1) Lady Macbeth (Shakespeare)
2) The Fifth Doctor (Classic Who)
3) River Tam (Firefly)
4) Sun Wukong (Journey to the West and The Forbidden Kingdom)
5) Hrothbert of Bainbridge (The Dresden Files -- TV)
6) Menolly of Harper Hall (Harper Hall Trilogy)
7) Nyota Uhura (Star Trek: TOS)
8) Mace Windu (Star Wars prequels)
9) Cho Chang (Harry Potter)
10) Sam Vimes (Discworld)

blueinkedpalm asked:

2 and 6 are required to solve an Agatha Christie-esque murder mystery.

The Fifth Doctor would love that, as he's always been mad about Earth's writers and, as we know from New Who, he's a huge fan of Agatha Christie. It would start in Egypt at an archeological dig, which Menolly would find crushingly boring and and rather frightening--she wouldn't like the statues of cats at ALL, as cats are plague carriers on Pern--but things would quickly become exciting when she and the Doctor walked into what looked like a burial chamber and was really an Osirian transporter chamber. They would emerge in ancient Egypt and stumble on the murder of a concubine whose death was somehow connected to the existence of the transporter chamber. Oh, and musical notes would be a crucial clue.

Also, Menolly's brilliance at composition and performance and the Doctor's stalk of celery would ultimately save the day. Not at the same time, though.

How and why would 3 propose a marriage of convenience to 8?

Hmmm. River Tam would propose a marriage of convenience to Mace Windu because everyone else on Serenity had been captured, arrested or taken hostage, Serenity was who knows where, and there was a distinct possibility that the Hands of Blue had Simon. River would go quietly and gracefully ballistic, as befits a crazy psychic assassin, and then inform Mace that since the planet they're going to is on the Outer Rim and VERY old-fashioned about not letting non-Companion women travel without a husband, father or brother, and since she doesn't think that the authorities will accept the notion that one of them is adopted, the two of them are going to get married. Now. And then they're going on a honeymoon to Ryasar VI, where Serenity's crew is rumored to be. Most of this conversation would be interspersed with ambiguous, prophetic or morbidly creepifying statements.

I don't think that Mace would know quite what to make of her. I think he'd agree eventually, because the Jedi are supposed to protect the galaxy, but he would be very unsure about her for a long time. And there would be a scene where River saved Mace's life, and he would say something about that. And she would just stare at him unblinkingly.

"Yes. The trajectory of a moving weapon can be easily calculated to the thirty-eighth decimal place." Pause. "I don't think that stopping your sword from bisecting you was a mistake." Longer pause. "I might be wrong. Born to the purple.Two blades and two faces. Which one's sharper? Which one's real?" And she'd drift off in some direction that was heavily disguised and that she'd spot in a second while Mace was still going, "Wait, WHAT?"

And they'd both get a chance to be unbelievably badass, because that's how they roll. And everyone from Serenity, as well as Serenity herself, would get at least one Crowning Moment of Awesome.

lareinenoire asked:

2, 9, 5, 7, and 4 are starring in a comedy of manners. Who are the lovers separated by Deep, Dark Secrets? The sneaky friend who helps them see one another? The mysterious guardian who forbids everything? The deus ex machina? And how does it all end? Also, why does reviewer 10 hate it so much?

Okay, that's the Fifth Doctor, Cho Chang, Hrothbert of Bainbridge, Nyota Uhura and Sun Wukong, also known as the Monkey King. By definition, this is going to be a rather chaotic comedy of manners.

Cho Chang and Ensign Uhura (currently at Starfleet Academy in San Francisco) are the lovers separated by Deep, Dark Secrets (involving a Portkey, a wormhole nicknamed Scylla, a time loop and magical genetics) and several centuries, which Cho finds heartbreaking and Uhura, being slightly older, finds frustrating.

The Doctor is striving to keep the two apart--not because he has anything personal against either of them, but because if they remain together, there's a good chance that they'll do something that will rupture and irreparably damage the timeline of the universe. And he can't tell anyone that, because that too could lead to the event that would damage the timeline. So he's in an unsympathetic role and feeling terrible about it.

Bob, of course, who has experienced his own tragic love story, is ultra-sympathetic and all too eager to help the two ladies. It helps that he is a past master of sneakiness (in the most benevolent of causes, as his adopted son could tell everyone present), and both knowledgeable about magic and able to do certain things that living humans can't.

Naturally, being who he is, Sun Wukong is the deus ex machina--he may not be a god, but considering that he can defeat gods and demons alike, that's not much of a problem. He decides to help the two lovers, and he does so by turning everyone's lives and ideas upside down and inside out. Also, he decides that he likes the Doctor and quasi-adopts him by sitting on the Time Lord's head and demanding fruit smoothies.

it's really not possible to be a mysterious guardian forbidding everything with a Monkey King sitting on your head.

Everything ends up wild and crazy and wonderful for Cho and Uhura. The universe and space-time do NOT break. And Wukong makes a bargain with assorted gods of the underworld to restore Bob and Winifred to life, just because he can.

The spiraling insanity of the story just about drives reviewer Sam Vimes crazy. And he HATES the deus ex machina. HATES Wukong with a fiery passion. He'd like it far better if humans solved their own problems, thank you very much. And the Doctor is practically a god, too, with his machine that traverses time and space. This whole thing, with immensely powerful beings interfering with ordinary people, just smacks of "Kings. What a good idea" to Vimes.

6 falls into a hole in time and space and wakes up in the middle of the Borgia court in Rome. What happens?

Oh, poor Menolly! I can't think of anyone less likely to enjoy the Borgias! And the Borgias wouldn't be any too fond of Menolly, either, or of her fire lizards, which would hiss and spit fire every time someone they disliked or distrusted came anywhere near her. Which would be pretty much EVERYONE. Especially Cesare and Rodrigo. I don't think that Lucretia would mind Menolly, actually. But neither do I think that the two women would have anything in common.

I think she would eventually flee Rome and the Borgias and become a latter-day trobaritz. Or, if it isn't too early for this, she'd compose music for the girl musicians of the orphan asylums and hospitals--the ospedali.

ihlanya asked:

7 and 5 find themselves in the wrong house after a drunken night out.

Well, it was more like the wrong spaceship.

See, Uhura has 48 hours of shore leave on this lovely planet that's sort of like steampunk Venice under the doges. This is the place where all THE best acting troupes pray that they'll be invited to perform. Uhura goes down to the planet, along with Bob's skull, because Bob's ghost can't go very far from his skull and Uhura thinks that he might enjoy seeing something beside the Enterprise for a change.

After assorted wanderings around, they end up at a theater, humming and singing snatches of songs as they enter. Ooops--an acting troupe is there rehearsing a musical version of Hamlet, which is not going well, because the actress playing Gertrude and the actor voicing the hologram that is the Ghost are both off in the 23rd century equivalents of their trailers sulking after a lovers' tiff. And there isn't an adequate understudy for either one.

Fortunately, the director of the company is a old friend that Uhura had lost track of and she begs Uhura and Bob to PLEASE, for the love of Heidegger, step into those roles just for tonight so that the troupe won't be utterly humiliated in front of the not-Doge and the not-Great Council. And of course they do, and of course they are brilliant and completely wow all of the movers and shakers of not-Venice.

However, the actor who was supposed to play Hamlet's father's ghost gets rather spiteful about the success and goes out of his way to slip Uhura several mickeys. They don't knock her out, as she has a strong stomach, but she does get severely disoriented and goes to the wrong beam-up point without realizing it. Which is how she and Bob end up on an Andorian ship which was set to automatically beam up anyone who came to that particular point. By the time she recovers, she's on this ship halfway across the galaxy, very definitely AWOL, and more than a little embarrassed. And Bob, of course, is being very tight-lipped and British and huffy about it all.

This is, of course, a very touchy situation diplomatically. While the PTB try to resolve things, Uhura uses her communication skills and Bob his vast knowledge of magic (which Uhura insists on calling "psychic powers," which makes him roll his eyes) to get along with the Andorian crew and discover just WHY Hamlet's Ghost wanted the two of them out of the way so badly. (Highly illegal smuggling across the Romulan Neutral Zone, acting companies being used as a front, and Klingon opera figure prominently at the denouement.)

Thanks for the questions! This was fun!


memes, writing

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