(no subject)

Feb 01, 2007 01:16

I have no idea why, but I keep getting letters from someone called Amy who specializes in mass mailings about her travels to a large number of people. I don't even know who this person is--at least, I don't think I do, but for all I know she could be an Internet friend of mine. Which is why I haven't written to her and told her to take me off her mailing list.

ETA: The hesitation over removal has nothing to do with interest or lack thereof. It's based on the fact that until thysanotus identified herself as the sender, I wasn't sure whether or not I was getting someone else's mail by mistake. And I didn't want to ask the sender to take me off her mailing list if I had requested the letters from someone I knew. I'm really not into hurting people's feelings.

Internet identity is a bitch, isn't it?

Anyway. Back to the original post.

Not much going on lately. I've been running a lot of errands this week and, as a result, I've been exhausted. More running around tomorrow. Sigh. I hate tax season. And Monday is Wound Clinic again.

A quiz, cut for those who hate quizzes and memes. I never saw this result before, which is why I'm posting it.

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Below you'll find your test result. After, continue on to your
homescreen to discover what we're about.

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The Harlequin

You scored 47% Cardinal, 38% Monk, 38% Lady, and 35% Knight!

You are a mystery, a jack-of-all-trades. You have the king's ear, but also listen to murmurings of the common folk. You believe in the value of force and also literature. Truly you are the puzzlement of the age.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 99% on Cardinal

You scored higher than 99% on Monk

You scored higher than 99% on Lady

You scored higher than 99% on Knight

Link: The Who Would You Be in 1400 AD Test written by KnightlyKnave on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test


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