DvD Commentaries, Writing Progress and a Rec

Feb 21, 2006 00:02

Well, the votes for the DvD commentary fics are in.

The ticky box option won. Everyone, it seems, loves ticky boxes.

In decreasing order, here are the votes for the fics:

Stopped -- 12 votes
Escaping Wonderland -- 8 votes
Heroes and Silver -- tied at 7 votes
Memory, Awake -- 4
Bargains, Dazzle, Sculptor's Block and The Other Side of Winter -- tied at 2 votes

Since everything got a vote, I'll do them all--in, as I said, decreasing order. (Rather like limyaael's rants--she does polls for them, then generally does the most popular topic first, then the next most popular, etc.)

In other news, I now have four stories going at once (springtime_gen, apocalyptothon, and two for omniocular)--though I really need to work more on the omniocular February challenges. February is so aggravatingly SHORT. Sigh.

I must confess to feeling a wee bit intimidated by omniocular, as so many gorgeous stories (some with pictures, which I couldn't do if my life depended upon it) have been posted already, and one that I loved ( Damascus, January 1982) was so beautiful and vivid and spot-on with believable characterization that it made me hurt. It also made me want to bite my keyboard in half out of sheer jealousy.

Ah, well. Back to my stories. Perhaps I can get a few paragraphs done in them or in my original fic before I go to bed.

harry potter, challenges, recs, dvd commentary, memes, polls

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