(no subject)

Mar 16, 2005 19:34

I hate Webster Bank.

I was happy, at first, when they notified me that I had an account that I didn't know about and told me to reactivate it.

The problem is, they WON'T reactivate it. They repeatedly won't reactivate it.

I called them last Wednesday, on their 1-800 number as per their instructions. Did the whole confirmation of identity dance. Thought everything was fine.

Then today I get a phone call that my account has gone inactive and would I like to reactivate it before the state seizes it, please?

Did the confirmation of identity thing again. Told the girl that I had already DONE this the week before. She said she'd get right on it.

Funny, that's what the girl said last week, too.

Suspicious now, I called the bank back. Guess what? Not only have they not reactivated the account, but this time the teller decided that since I couldn't tell her anything about the last transaction for the account--an account I didn't know that I HAD till last week--I obviously couldn't be the real owner. (Keep in mind that there is no passbook and no checkbook for this account, either, so I have no way to find out what the last transaction was.)

I felt like saying, "Ah, yes. My last transaction. It was a deposit that I made on the last full moon in March three years ago. That carriage ride...that tenor...ah, they don't make transactions like that anymore. I remember it well."

She wouldn't have gotten the sarcasm. So I didn't bother.

Instead, I hung up on the bitch while she was in mid-accusation. There are some things I feel I am too old to put up with. Being accused of theft and fraud of my own money by a girl young enough to be my granddaughter is one of them.

Tried to get access online. Went through the usual name, address, date of birth business. Provided driver's license info. The whole nine yards. Got my identity confirmed a jillion different ways. But--I couldn't get past the creation of a user name and a password. No matter what I chose as user names or as passwords, the screen kept telling me that my birth month, date and year were necessary for security purposes. As if I hadn't LISTED them five times already, and had them confirmed! I never could get past that section, so none of the previously confirmed information was saved. Grrr.


I don't want the state of Connecticut to steal my money. It's not like I have a lot to steal. And yet I'm doing everything I'm supposed to, according to the bank's "reactivation of account" notice...but Webster is aggressively not helping.

blatant stupidity

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