Title: Tease Rating: pg maybe pg-13 when it's done Pairing: everyone centric haha Genre: drama, fantasy Summary: Lots of drabbles about the teasers. I'll update as they come out~~
Title: Tease Rating: pg maybe pg-13 when it's done Pairing: everyone centric haha Genre: drama, fantasy Summary: Lots of drabbles about the teasers. I'll update as they come out~~
Title: Your Little Starlet Rating: PG Pairings: xiuhan Genre: slight fantasy, coming of age, Word Count: ~2k Warnings: brief mention of alcohool Summary: Luhan makes an unusual friend
Title: Groundhog Dae Rating: R Pairings: suchen, slight xiuhan, Genre: crack, comedy, Word Count: ~3k Warnings: Character death, violence, swearing, alcohol, Summary: Jongdae has been living the same day over and over again and it always ends with his own death.
Title: You made me sleep all uneven Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Xiuhan Genre: drama, fluff, oneshot, Warning: blood, mild violence, Summary: Luhan never wonders if he's wasted all his weeks by Minseok's hospital bed.