Of Root Canals and Masters Degrees and Dance

Apr 20, 2010 22:26

So my tooth began hurting this past weekend. The pain was familiar, but I was in denial. Monday at 5 am the pain was so bad I took a Vicodin so I could sleep. Since then I have been taking 4 Advil every 4-5 hours just to get the pain down to a dull ache.

This morning I broke down and called the dentist.

Root canal #4 is scheduled for Tues the 27th *sigh* I knew that's where I was heading, but I was hoping I was wrong. At least it was a tooth that already had a crown.

Today he numbed me up with Novocaine, took the crown off and cleaned out the roots (which is basically a root canal without the final step of filling in the roots with gunk as I understand it) and put the crown back on. He was able to get into 2 out of 3 and said the third one was completely calcified so it wasn't where the infection was anyway.

I am on antibiotics and Advil for the next week. Pain isn't too terrible now.

Good news is that since I am such a good customer of theirs (i.e. I have had more teeth problems than your average British family - no offence :P), they are only going to bill my insurance for the root canal and waive my copay.

In other news, I am one final test away from getting my Masters Degree. I have to take it by Thursday night. I just got my grade back for my project, which I totally half-assed, but I still ended up with a perfect score (I have yet to miss a point the entire class). So basically I can phone in the final and still get a passing grade (which is all I need at this point), but I am such a perfectionist that I still want an A.

Other than that, not too much has been going on. They asked me to work on the production again, but it was a night shoot and 2 of the 3 days I had dance class, which I didn't want to miss for a non-paying gig. They then offered to pay me $30, so I said I might be able to work Tuesday, but they never got back to me. Oh well. No big loss - $30 would have barely covered gas since I would have had to drive out to hell and gone and probably would have been out well after midnight.

Unemployment is all straightened out. Got my claim form for the first weeks in April and sent it back and then got the official letter saying I got the extension. Yay. The extension should last for about 20 weeks (so right through TSE I figured).

Been keeping busy with sewing and school. I am making a dance dress for my friend. It's the first time I have made one for someone other than myself. Hopefully it will turn out! It's a new style skirt that I have never done before, so I am a bit nervous. When I finish her dress I will make one for myself. It doesn't need to be done until July since I can't compete until then anyway.

Dance is going pretty good. I am starting to feel more confident. I just hope that it translates into better placings at competitions when I start back. Two different girls in my class have mistaken me for being at the highest level (when I am actually one level down - the same level they are in - and not even placing), so that was a confidence boost!

Also been working on a gift for a certain little nubbin. Ran out of supplies for that one though. so I will need to pick some more up.

Hrmmm... I think that's about it.

health, dance, school, unemployment

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