Jul 12, 2009 11:11
5 minutes at 5.6 mph
10 minutes at 6.2 mph
10 minutes at 6.0 mph
5 minutes at 5.8 mph
Total Distance: 2.98 miles
Average mile: 10:04
5 minutes at 5.6 mph
10 minutes at 6.2 mph
15 minutes at 6.0 mph
Total Distance: 3.0 miles
Average mile: 10:00
The Comic Con schedule is mostly out (only Sunday remains) and I am not a happy camper. The Sanctuary panel is on Saturday at 12:30 in the new Hilton Bayside hotel. In order to guarantee a good seat, I will have to be waiting all morning for it. Unfortunately the Chuck panel is Saturday morning at 10am at the opposite end of the convention center. The only thing I can hope is if I can wait in line for Sanctuary with friends until the Chuck panel, high tail it back over to the convention center for Chuck and hope that my friends are able to save me a seat (and one for the boy). There is one panel before Sanctuary that starts at 11:30, so I guess they will let people into the hall at 11 at the latest, which is right when Chuck is ending, but I will still have to high tail it back over to the hotel *sigh* Holy crap that will be a lot of walking.
Not fun. Suddenly today I am not looking forward to Comic Con. It is just going to be stressful and exhausting *headdesk*
comic con,