Jul 14, 2008 15:28
So I schedule yet another shoulder appointment, and decided I need to get this all down on paper, so I have it straight in my head. Late last year, I had some tingling in my forearm and pinkie/ring finger on my left hand. It was diagnosed as being ulnar neuropathy. Likely from the way I was leaning on my desk. A couple months later, as that pain pretty much vanished, I noticed my shoulder would "click" at the gym, much the same way my ankle does in the morning sometimes. After lifting a TV during superbowl Sunday, I noticed a fairly sharp pain in my shoulder and bicep when I made specific movements. I got this checked out, and the Dr. suggested it was some tendontitis. I iced and advil-ed it and it helped a bit, but was still sore. Also, the numbness in my fingers was back, but he thought that was unrelated. When I came back, he signed me up for 6 weeks of PT (the people there speculated it had been a tear in the tendon), which seemed to help, but not fix the problem. I continued my workout for a couple weeks, and would say I was about 90 %. After going to the gym one day, the shoulder started to ache as it had before, and the last month or so, I would say it has dropped to about 60-70%, with a dull pain, and more numbness/tingling in my forearm and hand. It also has begun "cracking" more loudly. I'm thinking this could in part be cause by 3 things.
1. The way I tend to lean on my desk. I've tried to stop leaning on the left arm, but do so without realizing it from time to time.
2. sleeping with my head on my arm. I feel it is bothering my shoulder a bit, but end up in this position unconsciolusly, as I've always slept that way.
3. Rolling down the window and hand signaling, as I've been too cheap to spend 500 to fix one blinker.
I've made another Drs apt, but I feel pretty stupid going in and telling him that I think these 3 things might be potential causes. On the other hand, I've had shoulder pain for 5 1/2 months and left arm issues for 8 months...