Film Quotes Meme

Apr 15, 2017 02:40

Movie meme stolen from lots of people

•Pick 15 of your favorite movies.
•Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie.
•Post them here for everyone to guess.
•Strike it out when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed it and the movie.
•NO GOOGLING/using IMDb search or other search functions

1. You're a neo maxi zoom dweebie, what would you be doing if you weren't out making yourself a better citizen?

2. That is what "to the pain means." It means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever. The Princess Bride. First guessed by schweet_heart, then beccadg, and gillo

3. It's like God gave you something, man, all those stories you can make up. And He said, "This is what we got for ya, kid. Try not to lose it." Kids lose everything unless there's someone there to look out for them. And if your parents are too fucked up to do it, then maybe I should.

4. What's the point? They're all the same. Some stupid killer stalking some big-breasted girl who can't act who is always running up the stairs when she should be running out the front door. It's insulting. Scream, guessed by beccadg

5. NO! Poor people are crazy, Jack. I'm eccentric. Speed, guessed by beccadg

6. He needs to go home; he's calling his people. And I don't know where they are, but he needs to go home. E.T. the Extraterrestrial. First guessed by beccadg and then gillo

7. Well "Sinead O'Rebellion." Shock me, shock me, shock me with that deviant behavior.

8. Home? What home? In a couple more hours, it ain't gonna be home anymore. Come on, guys, this is our time. Our last chance to see if there really is any rich stuff. The Goonies, guessed by halliwell

9. Me? I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of what I saw, I'm scared of what I did, of who I am, and most of all I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I'm with you. Dirty Dancing, guessed by aku_rin

10. Look, you're not gonna be picking a fight, Dad... Dad-Dad-Daddy-O. Back to the Future, guessed by schweet_heart

11. Chris, I'm begging you, it's really scary here. I've just seen three people shoot up, a bald Chinese lady with no pants on, and there's this old guy outside who wants his bedroom slippers!

12. Yeah. The funny thing is - on the outside, I was an honest man, straight as an arrow. I had to come to prison to be a crook.

13. You know what, friend? This is a goddamn bitch of an unsatisfactory situation. Brokeback Mountain, guessed by redfeu

14. Look, I like you, I really like you, but I gotta tell you, I have become seriously and emotionally involved with someone who isn't my aunt.

15. NOW it was serious. A double-dog-dare. What else was there but a "triple dare you"? And then, the coup de grace of all dares, the sinister triple-dog-dare. A Christmas Story, guessed by beccadg


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