It took a glance through recent entries for me to realise that I've not updated to talk about my new job, at all, other than the aching feets, and I've been doing it for six weeks already. So I'm going to do that. Right now.
What's kind of weird is that I'm almost enjoying my work. (Almost!) I get up at 6am (or, um, 6.15) on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'm home by 4.15 on Mon and Thur, and 3.15 ('short day' - don't ask) on Tuesdays. I get Wednesdays off, then I'm in early again the next day, followed by a 1-10 on Fridays, and variable hours on a Saturday, depending on when my colleagues are in. I've found that my three early days absolutely fly past, Friday drags a bit, and Saturday is fairly quiet.
So what happens? I wear a shiny yellow reflective vest ('hi-viz' as we say in the biz) and/or coat. And a woolly hat, when it's cold enough, though unfortunately it's not reflective - but does have the Lemonheads logo on it. I come in, tidy up the warehouse, move around big pallets of toilet rolls and drinks and crisps and flour and stuff like that. I also take said pallets onto the shopfloor, sometimes (when there's no other staff to do it for me ;) ). I receive deliveries from couriers (I must be signing my name onto various touch-screen devices and paper forms about 20-30 times a week). I unload lorries, and fill them up again with cages full of cardboard and plastic. And... that is basically it. I've got two other guys working with me, we have one on an early, one on a middle, one on a late - at least for the last three days of the week, the first three has one of us off each day - and I get on with them. So, really, it's all going rather well at the moment, other than the fact that I really should be cutting out the bacon roll and hash browns on my mid-morning break. Heh.
On a non-work-related note, I'm really digging
She & Him at the moment, Zooey Deschanel is lovely. If you're a fan of retro-sounding female vocals, check them out. Anybody who covers Sam Cooke and Smokey Robinson and the Beatles is a winner in my book!
I think that's about it for this evening.. hope you're all doing okay out there in LJ-land. Not to sound like a massive emo kid but there's been an alarming absence of comments in this journal recently, either this means I'm just as boring as shit or you simply can't be arsed to reply.. either scenario is a bad one. :p Night night all.