She thought about how this has to be one of the scariest places to live as she walked the dark and sad looking hallway.
She heard loud voices coming from the first door she passed.
“Remember what everyone said, YOU ARE A WARRIOR!! You can keep plugging along. Remember, remember, remover the idea of one day at a time and if that’s to much an hour at a time and if that’s to much then one minute at a time !!!”
“NO NO NO” and then the faint wails of sadness
“You got this”
“I hate those words, hate, hate, HATE!!! But I’ll keep going”
Then she heard more wails of sadness
She continued down the dingy hallway and passed after door and more yelling.
“You are such a horrible mother! Look at those babies and their problems! It’s because of you! You are the worst and they’d be better off without you”
She could stand hearing the hate, anger and sadness so she ran down the hallway. It felt like it was never ending.
Another door passed and more loud voices
“Look at this body!! The constant reminders of how it tried to kill me!”
“Shhhh, it’s beautiful “
“No, no it’s not!!! It’s a new body that has been through so much shit. It’s scarred, discolored, saggy, and the list goes on “
She started crying at hearing all of this. It’s to much she thought as she saw a staircase. She ran as fast as she could up it.
Another hallway that appeared to be never ending yet again. It was brighter though and voices were quieter.
The first door she passed, she heard a voice say, “ look at you, you are what those babies need. You are their advocate and you kill yourself day in and day out. Be proud AF of yourself and what those babies are accomplishing.
She slowed her walk to the next door and listened
“You fought like hell and survived. Be proud of yourself”
She continued to walk and listen
She thought to herself, how does one person not go off the deep end with all these voices living rent free in their mind?
Yet again I sucked at getting an idol entry up but I liked the topic so here’s just a post
The topic was living rent free