Nerd-stitching ahoy!

Apr 04, 2012 08:12

Been a busy bee lately, with two finishes to show off. :D

My first actual legit commission-- I don't usually do them because I like stitching and I don't ever want to do it because I have to do it or because I owe something to someone. But this was requested by my friend/hairstylist, an anniversary gift for her husband-- and there was such a sweet little story behind it that I was easily persuaded.

They found the Mr. Daydream book in a puddle once on a date, and the last line of the book ("And they did.") became somewhat of a mantra in their relationship.

Basically, it was too sweet not to stitch, and I love them both.

When I discovered that stitch-able iPhone skins were a thing that existed, I still had a Blackberry. That made me ache with envy of everyone with an iPhone, even those who weren't stitchers or likely to ever purchase such a skin.

Then my BB fucked up hard on a business trip, and on my first day back at home, I bought a new phone, and ordered a few from ThinkGeek AND they're on SALE.

For the record, I shamelessly stole the pixel faces from the super-fantastique Salades, ô Potirons blog. (Votre travail est merveilleux! Je suis tout à fait jaloux de votre talent!)

Go, go look at her amazing stuff. This girl goes nuts with pixel art and I thought, why improve on perfection?

Also, in figuring out my colours of floss, I frogged and re-stitched Sherlock's face after realizing that my lighting was poor and somehow I'd done a good portion of it in the wrong colour. Much better now. Not so sunburn-y. I can't imagine Cumberbatch would ever get a sunburn.
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