Fanvid: Doctor Who - Father's Day (episode trailer)

Jun 27, 2009 10:00

Title: Doctor Who - Father's Day (episode trailer)
Vidder: geekchick1013
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Gen
Song: "Because of You" by Kelly Clarkson
Summary: Fan-made trailer for Series one, episode eight: "Father's Day." Rose asks the Doctor to take her back to the past to see her father before he died. When Rose can't help but interfere with the timeline, the Doctor begins to doubt whether she's the companion he thought she was. Especially when people start dying.
Warnings: None.
Vidder's Notes: The idea was to make a mini-vid/trailer for each episode of New Who. I got all the way to the Christmas special before I petered out.

image Click to view

Additional Notes:
Ok, this song choice frankly surprised the hell out of me. It just sort of popped into my head while I was figuring out that another song wasn't working at all. So I dumped it into Vegas and started working with it, and HOLY SHIT it was awesome! I always thought this episode sort of stood out from the rest of the season in a lot of ways, and so the use of this song rather than the faster-paced songs I'd been using before just worked. The biggest headache with this episode was the massively intrusive source music behind every goddamn bit of dialogue I picked. Why do they have to score the episodes!?! (Kidding. Kind of.) This was one of the last ones I tried the hiss-removal setting to clean up the dialogue, because frankly it sounds really unnatural and I'd rather just try to mask the source music as much as possible and just shrug it off when you occassionally get bits of it under the song. Maybe someday I'll get some posh audio editing software that can maybe pull out some of that source music, but not today. I just spent $1000 on a trip to the U.K. fer chrissake.

doctor who, vidding, gen

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