Fanvid: Doctor Who - The Long Game (episode trailer)

Jun 23, 2009 10:00

Title: Doctor Who - The Long Game (episode trailer)
Vidder: geekchick1013
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Gen
Song: "The Scientist" by Coldplay
Summary: Fan-made trailer for Series one, episode seven: "The Long Game" It's back to the future with Rose, the Doctor, and their new companion, Adam. The Doctor quickly notices that something is terribly wrong with the timeline, as Adam struggles to acclimate and makes some questionable choices along the way.
Warnings: None.
Vidder's Notes: The idea was to make a mini-vid/trailer for each episode of New Who. I got all the way to the Christmas special before I petered out.

image Click to view

Additional Notes:
This one was tough. I'm still not entirely convinced the music worked, although the themes fit. This is a much slower song, and since there wasn't a lot of fast-paced action that worked ok, but it still feels a little too long and little plodding. It didn't help that this episode needs so much exposition so we know what's going on. I struggled with this one forever. In the end I think it turned out ok, but it's definitely not my favorite. Still, they can't all be winners, eh?

doctor who, vidding, gen

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