Oct 26, 2004 18:25
i got to hang out wit bret dis w/e it was awsome we almost watch the sun rise but my dad called and i had to go bac into the tent but it was so fuuuunnn jsut being in his arms makes me fall for him even more then i already am i was wit him lyk all w/e it was ablast he told me how much he missed me and all dat stuff i was so happy............................until bad news came dat he asked one of my friends out but they said no but still that shows me all he said was a lie grrrrrrr it fells lyk my heart just ripped out and stomp on expacaly after all dis time for waiting for him to comehome so we could be bac to gather i am such an idiot i should of lissioned to wat josh told me instad i didint lission and ws depressed all summer waiting for him to come bac it makes me so mad at him but more at my self cuZ i waited thinking nothing would change i been bawling lyk every day and i dunt no what to do with my self anymore its horable i realy miss him but he told all lies and his being mean i thought he was going to be the one and now i am all depressed and cant do nething about it i messed up..........i hate my selfffffff at dis very moment for thinking every thing was ok between me and him grr it gets me so mad well i gadda go start the homework talk to u latta a6days tilll my operation ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh life is falling faster then i can catch it these days i jsut wanna go in to a dark dark corner and bawl we no one can find me
Bet you didn't know you could break my heart.
Bet you didn't know how my world fell apart.
I cried on your shoulder but you didn't ask why.
I cried because I was tired of chasing when you didn't even try.
My precious heart broken again.
Why did I give something so fragile to one so vein?
I flattered your ego and you shattered my pride.
i used to seek you out now i just want to hide. I'll disappear so you can move on.
But I see that is what you have already done.
besides all da hate stuff.......when i was at the head of the charls i seen many bands preform and and even got to talk to them and it was so cool they said they would memver me when they got big and one group sky moore he was awsome i gave him a hug lyk every too mins he was my fav and i told him i am his numba one fan and when he is big to memba ba hehe i gave him me cell number to call when he get a gig in boston...so this weekend was not al that bad i guess the bands made it awhole lot better me and laura deff started lyk a mosh pit every band it was awsome and it was funny cuZ it was all people that would never be in a mosh pit lol i even tryed crowed serving but every one screamed it was awsome we had to sleep on the charls for 2nights and let me tell u it was so cooled out there we even brought a tv to watch the soX game we cool know lol..........well yuh dats the happy part of my weekend but every thing else didint go as plained