May 23, 2008 02:09
So im sitting here playing with 3d rendering programs, Its proving to totally do my head in, but it's nice to play with the medium. Basically i was checking out Electric Art, some place in sydney i think that does the majority of the retouching seen in ad campagns and stuff. I found it insanely interesting the work that was being done... these guys are outstanding with encorperating 3d renders into photography. Wow factor stuff. I considered finding me someone who can do 3d stuff for me just so i can give that sort of stuff a go... but I'd really like to try learning it myself. I know its the sort of shit that takes years to learn, but I recon if i put my head to it and search through online tutorials, i can do it.
Im also playing with terragen. Its this landscape modeling software that actually seems to be pretty easy to use. Id consider buying it if it can produce the sort of stuff i want. I dont think its that comprehensive, but with a few photographic layers and stuff it could be fun.
Just an idea.
Its seriously killing my brain a bit though.
Oh shit i crashed terragen.
Im awesome.