(no subject)

Sep 16, 2020 20:09

TV commentary:

The 100- Heh, while I am avoiding the fandom, I am curious how they reacted to Clarke's reveal to Octavia and Echo? Its resolved rather quickly- she admits to killing Bellamy to protect Madi. And Octavia and Echo end up being all, "Owel, what can you do, the Bellamy we knew died already!"

And we finally find out what happened to Gaia. When she and the rando Bardo disciple went through the portal, they ended up on Earth (as falling through a closing portal apparently takes folks to their planet of origin according to their DNA), and she killed him and has just been hanging there for the past few days (since not that time has passed show wise)

But heh, Raven is able to use the helmet to discover there was a stone in the New Dawn Bunker the whole time. Just as Gabriel is all, "good, we can bring my people back here!" Clarke asks for the helmet and totally destroys it! Which, stv('How rude!') She's like, eh, everyone I care about is here already, so fuck all those other people!

Which the rest of the gang don't argue the point at the moment, but later its obvious some of them disagree. Madi in particular is pissed, since all of Clarke's friends are there, but not her own friends or her dog! She also lays into Clarke for killing Bellamy to protect her, she never asked for it. She knows Clarke is going to be miserable about it forever, and she doesn't want to see Clarke deal with all that.

And now Clarke's isolating them from everyone on Sanctum in a misguided to protect them as well. Heh, Madi goes as far to be all, "Just because you ruined your life doesn't mean you can ruin mine!"

But yeah, Murphy, of all people, convinces Raven to fix the helmet so they can get back to Sanctum and give everyone there the chance to return to their ancestral home.

Anyways, back on Bardo, Russheda and Cadogan make a deal where Russheda goes to Earth with a stealth suit to grab Madi. Which of course turned thing as tense as shit, because the show obviously at this point has no qualms about killing anyone, and they basically released an invisible psycho killer on the gang.

But Echo finally reveals to someone her name is really Ashe. She tells this to a drunk Niylah, who reveals she's named after Queen Nia, as he father was Tree Kru, but her mom was Azgeda, which is why they lived so far out in the woods, so no one would see her scars.

And yep, as expected someone gets invisibly shanked- Gabriel. Russheda has two ways to bring Madi back, apparently there are special pills containing nanobots that auto transport people back to Bardo (which is what Cadogan used to get back), but also a knife he can stab someone with to teleport them back.

Russheda then reveals he's in it for himself, that he's going to just kill Madi because he doesn't want transcendence to happen. Then he plays stupid. Gabriel manages to get up and fight Russheda before getting stabbed a few more times. But instead of picking up his helmet to turn invisible again, he stalks Madi in plain view. And ends up facing Gaia and Indra, who make short work of him. But he stabs himself with the knife to teleport away.

Anyways, the gang watches over Gabriel as he succumbs to his wounds. After all, he's lived for centuries now, so he's ready to die. But Madi is tired of people dying for her. She tries to take one of the pills, but Clarke stops her. So she runs off and gets the teleporting knife from Indra and stabs herself.

Soon after, a portal opens, and the gang expects to face invisible disciples, but they instead drop off a nuke. Which Miller manages to throw past the bunker door and close it. But, the explosion is big enough to cause a cave in the hallway Emori and Murphy are in, which is where we end the ep.

the 100, tv

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