TV commentary:
Legacies- Heh, its been how long?!
Hope didn't realize Raf is stuck as a wolf? I mean, to be fair she was all, "Oh wait, Raf went ahead with the change?!" But hey, maybe before you erased yourself, you should have remembered that you told him about a magic ritual to get his head on straight that would cause him to be stuck in wolf form until she fixed him.
And what the fuck, Josie. Giving people nose bleeds is one thing, but breaking a dude's arm and ruining his football career? I know they prolly don't want to compound the situation by using even more magic, but, really, they can't give him vamp blood or use a healing spell or something?
And he seemed like a nice enough guy. Though I really do want to see more of his sister and Hope being friends (hey, maybe more). Let Hope have someone to be friends with whom she doesn't have to pretend like she doesn't know them already.
Heh, and what's going on with Sebastian? Is he a ghost? A figment of Lizzie's imagination?
Also, did I forget what happened to Matt? Why isn't he sheriff anymore?
Supernatural- Really show, you're going to do that?
Just when it seemed like Ketch was going to survive since he made it through the attack last ep, and he dies in this one? At least it was him sacrificing himself to not give Ardat info.
But he wasn't the only death. Rowena sacrifices herself to send the rest of the escape spirits back to hell, at the cost of her own life. And she makes Sam kill her. Heh, she even says its not about good or evil or doing the right thing. Death's books said she was going to meet her end by Sam's hands. And she realizes this is the exact situation where he could kill her, and it would be for a big win.
That was actually plan B. Plan A failed because Belphegor was playing the good guys. He talked about Lilith's staff, which could capture and control demons, and how they could use it to call the spirits back to hell. But he was only doing to swallow those souls and become super powerful. Cas stops him, obliterating Jack's body so no one could defile it like that again.
But what the frick, Dean's all pissed at him anyways. All, he should've let the guy do it, then they wouldn't have had to sacrifice Rowena, and they'd solve that problem later. Yeah, because that sounds like a good idea!
Riverdale- Heh, this show is bonkers!
So the Evernever cult thing is done. Polly almost gets blown up- I'm amused Charles was trying to tell Betty, there's not enough time, you got to just duck. Dude, did you see how much c-4 was strapped to Polly? You and the other Feebs would've been toast too.
Anyways, Edgar was going to have Evelyn drive the farmies off a cliff while he got away in a rocket. But Betty and Alice prevent that. And said rocket looked like the friggin quarter kiddie ride outside a convenience store. Its like, why did Alice even try to stop Edgar? Its like, let the moron kill himself if he wants!
And heh, I totally forgot Moose's dad was the Gargoyle King. So he's one of Jug's new roommates, having moved to this school since no one knows his history. But their other roommate is that one douche-y guy in that special English class. And Jug and him buttheads, and its Moose who pays the price when douche guy secretly releases his secret to the rest of the school. Well, presumably he did it, but I guess it could be someone else.
Also, how did Jughead not know Moose was Bi? Yes, he was with Kevin, but he was also with Midge. Like, did he just assume Midge was a beard and not realize Moose could like both?
But hey, Toni now knows about the Jason corpse in the basement. Also, Nana Rose has a crazy episode, and might have revealed that Cheryl and Jason have a triplet?