TV commentary:
Legends of Tomorrow- Heh, fun ep, with some interesting reveals.
I'm amused they at least address the crossover, with Gideon telling the "Custodians" they got a call from Barry, Ollie, and Kara and they're like, no thanks! Anyways, John and Charlie's efforts to try and save Des/keep their powers but not cause any Legends/Time Bureau folks to die fail miserably. Eventually, John realizes he needs to go back to NOLA and undo what he did.
But, Charlie's not having that. She tries to stop them, but bumps into Sara, who's still murderous towards the escapees, despite not having anyone to avenge. Eventually Charlie realizes the reason the Legends took a softer touch was because of her joining the team. So she reluctantly accepts her role, Future (present?) John neuralizes Desmond so his past self can still be with him, and the timeline is fixed once John and Desmond kiss.
Heh, and the Zari/Charlie shippers are all giddy because Charlie is telling Zari later the reason why she kept turning back into Amaya and Zari is all, because she's super hot? And Zari being all you think I'm hot?
But yeah, the big twist is Hank is working with Neron, who's wearing Desmond as a meat suit. Interesting, does he know Neron-Desmond is a demon? I saw in an interview they were originally going to make Hank the big bad, but they liked his chemistry with Nate, and the whole James Taylor singing, and they just couldn't have him be the main baddie after that. So I guess now he's a pawn to the real big bad played by Neron.