(no subject)

Oct 03, 2016 14:10

TV commentary:

The Strain- Talk about sad and disappointing. Fet should've been a hero, he reunites with Gus and Angel, and while Angel takes' Gus new little gf to safety, Gus, Fet, and Fet's special lady friend (cop lady from the bar he banged) go into the heart of the nest and blow it up.

Only, the good guys soon find out how out of their depth they were. The nest seemed so huge, they thought that had to be the bulk of strigoi. But once the sun set, and the majority of the police forces were in Central Park, thousands of strigoi struck and overran the barricades. I kinda feel sorry for Justine. When Fet blew up the nest, she thought it was over, she was banking on this to be their final victory to save NYC. And all they did was fall into a trap. All her hopes up in smoke.

Hopefully they won't blame this on Fet since he found the nest. To be fair, that was a LOT of vampires down there. The good guys couldn't even conceive that that wasn't even close to their full numbers. But hey, at least Eph knows his son is alive, and he and Dutch prolly got useful data. And Dutch got some small measure of revenge against Eichorst, cutting off his hand.

OUAT- That's total BS! I can't believe Emma would think Regina is the one in the hood just because she's not with the rest of her family when she gets stabbed. Its a partial vision! Maybe something happened to Regina. The Emma who believed in her would never think that!

But what a weird way to work the Count of Monte Cristo into things. So the Evil Queen back in the day thought he did a good job of getting his revenge, so she hires him with the promise of a list of everyone involved in what happened to him to complete his revenge. Of course, the Charmings randomly had a handmaiden who looked a lot like his ex-fiancee. So he has second thoughts.

And Rumpel is thrown into the mix because as we know, he needed Regina to cast the curse so he could try and get Baelfire back. But since she was relying on assassination, he had to take her assassin out of play. And she put a protection spell on the Count protecting him from Rumpel, just like the one he put on the Charmings to protect them from direct action by her. So he poisons the handmaiden Charlotte, telling the Count she won't succumb if he takes her to the land of untold stories.

Alas, when those folks came to Storybrooke, she finally expired. But, Evil Queen also broke into the vault and got the Counts heart to control him. Which, what was up with Regina being all, "You can fight it!" She knows how that works, you can't. I mean, the very best he can do is hold himself back just long enough for the controller to tire of it and just automagically kill them by crushing the heart.

So Regina ends up having to kill the Count to save the Charmings. And the EQ reveals herself to taunt them about how they're going to tear themselves apart.

Heh, I kinda cracked up at David recalling his father's death, how he got drunk and got into a CART accident? Seriously? I mean, I guess that's possible that could happen, but it was just a silly adaptation of a modern, real world way to die. But yeah, the EQ tells David maybe there's more to his father's death.

And Zelena seems to be allying with the evil version of her sister?

the strain, once upon a time, tv

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