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Oct 03, 2016 09:15

TV commentary:

Luke Cage- Finished this over the weekend. Overall, pretty good. I will say Diamondback was a downgrade from Cottonmouth. It was weird, because the villain needed to be changed up, because what the hell could Cottonmouth do to Luke Cage? Though to be fair, that was all just gear from Justin Hammer (which they never say how he has that hookup). But he just seemed a little too whiny, pissed about perceived slights regarding them being half-brothers. Although I guess even he was just a means to get Mariah to her rightful place at top, with Shades at her side.

Which, damn. Misty's boss blames her for not trusting the police, or at the very least her. Though really, I think she just got a little too cocky. She had Mariah dead to rights, she just didn't realize the significance of losing her phone in the fracas at Pop's. To be fair, it seemed over, I guess she didn't think there was anyone left to use that phone to draw Candace out. (Which, Claire almost had a heart attack there, worried they got Candace at her mom's place and might've taken her out too)

Getting back to that fracas, wouldn't have Pop's been a crime scene, and thus been given a look around. So, they should've found the evidence! Heh, presumably it will be turned in right quick and Luke will be out before the next time we see him. Unless Bobby Fish secretly hates Luke and is all "Eff that guy!" and keeps the files.

Anyways, its obvious a show like this would try to hit on the hot button issue of cops and minorities. Though it was slightly weird in this case. So Diamondback blackmails Mariah into getting the cops buying his special Hammertech weaponry, which now that I think about it, wouldn't the cops get it from Justin Hammer (or whoever runs his company, since he's possibly in jail?), not this random guy who happens to have crates of it?

But I digress, she lays the blame on Luke, and says they need to arm the cops with even more powerful weaponry? I mean, I guess she's saying, if the cops could do something to supers, they wouldn't be frustrated and take it out on minorities. But its still kinda weird, its like saying someone can't hurt this other guy, so lets make them more powerful than this other guy, so then they'll leave us alone. Which, maybe. But after they take out the other guy, they now have all these shiny new toys which they can possibly now turn on us.

Other stuff, I was amused that Luke just randomly bumps into Method Man, who writes a rap about him.

NCIS:LA- Awkward! So Nell is all, "It really makes you have second thoughts about being a field agent!" since Kensi got hurt. And then Granger is all, "You're going into the field!" HA! But Nell does pretty well.

Hetty outmaneuvers Duggan, though she still gives a resignation letter saying she'll resign in 90 days if she doesn't find the mole. Which to be fair, I think she is still concerned that there was a mole under her nose. So this isn't just a play, I think if she can't find the mole, she is pretty much, "That's it, I'm unfit!"

But aw, Deeks puts the engagement ring on Kensi's comatose finger, hoping against hope it will wake her up, but alas, no. She does have some random movement, and Deeks is excited, but the Doctor says its not purposeful movement, and random jerks like that are common.

I wonder how long Kensi will be in a coma for? I mean, this was done because Daniela Ruah was preggers, so I wonder how much time she needed. But interesting, so does that mean Nell will do double duty as technical operator and Deeks' partner in the field?

Eric is definitely concerned, ramping up his training so I guess he can go where she goes.

tv, luke cage, ncis: la

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