(no subject)

Sep 21, 2016 08:21

TV commentary:

Gotham- Not much to say about this. Jamie Chung is hot, so its cool they added her. But were those supposed to be their versions of Killer Croc, Manbat, and Talon? Also, so they show us how Ivy gets aged up- she gets touched by a guy who can suck away life force and age people. Again, its kinda creepy, because the producers admitted the reason for the change is so they could have Ivy use her seduction powers, which necessitated someone more adult. But even if she looks in her late teens/early 20s, she still has the mentality of a 13 or 14 year old or however hell old she's supposed to be!

NCIS- Weird that they replaced Tony with not one but two people. So Alex tells Gibbs, I get it, instead of trying to fill someone in your team needs, you wanted someone who needed your team. Which, it makes sense for Torres, but is he telling her she needs his team too? Because I didn't get that from their interaction. In fact, can he just do that? She seems to be a valuable resource in her current position, teaching and figuring out who goes where, would upper management be all, "Sure, just toss her back in the field as a mere agent!"

Also, I find it hilarious that when Nick was about to quit all, "I will take care of the bad guy my own way!" And Gibbs is all, "Naw man, trust me, revenge won't help you, don't tank your career!" But Gibbs basically is admitting there his whole murdering the guy who killed his wife and daughter! And Gibbs didn't face any consequences for that! Although I guess it did cause him some consternation over the years, what with the guys kids coming for revenge and all that.

Scream Queens- If that actually happened, I will be surprised! So the ep ends with Libby #5 possibly being killed by the killer. But they don't actually show it. So I call shenanigans. Of course, they could go the other way, and make people be all, "the ep ended before we saw if she was actually killed, its just fake drama to make people think she's dead and next week we'll see she's just fine!" but then actually have her be dead.

Of course, if she died, who is Chanel going to dump on? Anyways, I'm amused they got out due to a "Making a Murderer" style documentary, which seems like a timely reference. Wasn't that only just on a few months ago? I guess it came out before they started filming the new season. But I digress, so Hester is smart enough to fool everyone into thinking the Chanels were behind everything, but dumb enough to not know how double jeopardy works and freely admits being behind everything to Denise because she thinks she can't be tried? Its like on Glee when Rachel, someone obsessed with Broadway, didn't know Cats was no longer on.

From Dusk Till Dawn- Interesting, have we seen that before? I know Culebras could take on the form of someone they just ate, but could they always get abilities? Or is that something special Richie can do? I mean, he already has the one special power of being able to mind control Culebras by touching them. Can one have multiple powers? I guess we see what Scott's is, he can form a tough hide.

Anyways, given Amaru's weakness of dying if Kate is killed, I would think she would just park herself somewhere safe and have minions do everything. I mean, sure she's still strong and more resilient than a human, but if there's a real danger of a skilled person being able to take out Kate, why risk it?

scream queens, gotham, from dusk till dawn, ncis, tv

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