(no subject)

Jul 26, 2016 23:49

TV commentary:

Scream- Its sad to see Audrey on the outs, but we did learn a few things this ep. But yeah, we knew how much Audrey valued Emma's friendship, but it was nice to see her upset about losing Brooke also. I liked them as friends, so hopefully they'll reconcile. Speaking of Brooke though, thanks to some snooping by Stavo, we find out what Jake's deal with her father was. He was trying to get Jake to burn down the development. So of course Brooke blames her dad for his death, since if he wasn't out there doing something shady, he might not have gotten killed.

But interesting- I thought it was weird that the killer would burn the house Emma and Eli were in while those bodies were still in there. So it would be kinda hilarious if the fire was just plain old arson by Eli's mom (since the mayor seemed to task her with finishing the job he had Jake on), with her not knowing she almost burned her son to death.

Getting back to Stavo though, he continues to be ultra shady, and its weird, because he seems like a total red herring, but they're spending so much time on his weirdness that maybe he actually is a killer. I mean, at this point in the season, the audience pretty much feels he's not the killer, so it seems kinda silly for the show to carry on the pretense. But part of me thinks maybe he's a wildcard. Like maybe he's doing some killing on his own, separate from the one harassing Audrey and Emma.

We do find out what the incident in Phoenix is- he and his friend had gotten their hands on his father's gun and were playing with it, and then the friend "accidentally" got shot in the face. I put quotation marks, because who knows if it was truly an accident. But that got Miguel worried about his son, because it was right after his mother died, and now he saw his best friend die in front of him. So he figured his son would be traumatized, but he's nonetheless disturbed when he finds Gustavo's drawings of his dead friend.

But yeah, I'm still ultra suspicious of Zoe. When Audrey asks how Emma got the sound byte and Noah reveals the accidental recording, she's all, he's "unhackable" and zeroes in on Zoe as the culprit. And its funny, because all evidence points to her- he finds that she sent it to herself, so she admits she did, but claims she didn't send it to Emma. So then he tracks the mysterious e-mail that sent Emma the recording, and it leads to Zoe again. Like, it could be a frame up, or it could be a brilliant double bluff, where all the evidence points to her too much, so she can argue its so obvious she has to be getting set up, when it actually is her all along.

As I've said before, I don't dislike Zoe, so my desire for her to be the killer (or one of the killers) is not due to like stanning Audrey and/or hating Zoe, it just seems the way things are going, its either she's going to be the killer, or she's going to be fridged. And I'd rather have the former.

But yeah, since Noah stuck up for Zoe, telling Audrey to quit trying to figure out who sold her out because its not going to change things between her and Emma, Zoe and Noah totally do it. Afterward, he has an epiphany- his room has been bugged this whole time because he took the camera from the storage locker and thinks the killer has been using it to listen into everything going on in his room ever since.

Anyways, Emma finds one of Lang's tapes in her locker. She listens to it, and Kristin is talking about how Emma is kinda nuts (in the beginning of the ep, she does have a nightmare of killing Audrey, Noah, and Kieran, and she ends up being woken up by her mom in the kitchen, and she's actually holding a knife) and its interfering with some plan to befriend Emma because she needs her for something. So, Emma and Kieran visit her in the hospital. She seems to freak out when she sees Emma's face though.

So they get kicked out, but Kieran sneaks back in and steals Lang's keys and they break into her house. Wherein they find out she and Piper knew each other, having both been residents at some former mental hospital turned Orphanage. With that new tidbit, Emma, Kieran, Noah, and Zoe go the place, only to find a rave going on. A rave supposedly organized by Emma and Audrey.

Since its so obviously a trap, the couples split up to try and shut down the party before someone gets killed. Emma runs into Haley, who seems in on the whole party planning thing, and brings up some mysterious friend of hers. Haley takes her leave to move some boxes in a store room or something, wherein she's met by a person in a Brandon James mask. Who she tries to blow, but they proceed to kill her. Ah, Haley, you sucked, but you did have a nice set of luscious melons.

But the main question is, was her partner the real killer, who proceeded to backstab her? Or was her friend someone innocuous who the real killer pretended to be to get close and kill her?

Anyways, for some reason, Zoe and Noah go to shut power off to the place, thinking that will cause the kids to go home, even though plunging the place into darkness might not be the best plan. Audrey eventually shows up, having been told by the killer that they were going to kill Noah since he's no longer a virgin. She bumps into Emma, and things are tense between them, but they get it together since Noah is in danger.

They end up following a trial of Piper pictures which lead them to Piper's well preserved corpse. So guess she definitely is dead. So, they think the killer is targeting them out of revenge since they were the ones who killer Piper. The cops are called, who recover Piper's body, but also discover Haley's body was strung up above the DJ booth after everyone evacuated the building.

Getting back to Lang though, I wonder what she needs Emma for? Was Piper not as nuts as she was when Kristin knew her, so she's look for info to see why her friend went crazy? Or is it something like there's some big secret thing having to do with the James family that Piper told her about and Emma might not know she knows, that could be lucrative, and so she was fishing for info. Though that wouldn't explain why she interviewed the other Lakewood Six, as well as Stavo. I guess we have a couple of eps to find out!

scream, tv

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