TV commentary:
Continuum- I can't believe I didn't even think of that as a possibility, when now its so obvious.
Duh, Jason and Alec have the same DNA because they're father and son, but its Alec who's the father and Jason who's the son. I mean CSM is old in the future, of course he'd have children out there. That makes more sense than Jason "accidentally" getting thrown into the past and pulling a Kyle Reese. Well, more sense in that its not that weird paradox where the person in the present was birthed by someone from the future creating a time loop. If he's just the son, then its less screwy with time. Escher being his actual dad was quite unexpected. I mean, I prolly would've considered it a possibility if the show didn't distract with the whole Jason thing.
But yeah, the previouslies before this ep, I had totally forgotten Garza had gotten captured by the Freelancers. We do find out why Kiera's husband (I guess its been so long, but he looked totally different to me.) was shocked by her being one of the guards in the execution chamber- he was telling his boss about the investigation and was worried about her, and they were all, "Sure, we'll keep her away from the action!" Apparently not, because that boss tells old Alec, who's all, "I'll take care of it", and at first I think he's transferring the data files Alec finds in the previous season. But she seems to forget all about her investigation into the murder and that weird device.
Speaking of, apparently the lady who got murdered had been approached by Freelancers, who one of old Alec's underlings refers to as "a cult of some kind". Which apparently Escher used to be a part of, since he has the tats. How is Alec surprised? I mean, I always thought there had to be some kinda connection like that with him. Because if the Freelancers go around time doing stuff, and someone know their business, chances are that person was a Freelancer. Given their lethal measures and control over it, it seems hard for an outsider to do anything with time travel without getting dealt with.
And heh, Alec and his board knew Liber8 planned to escape, but Alec is all, "We should let them continue to try and think their escape plan is working and we know nothing, so we can learn who their co-conspirators are" to them being all, "Why don't we just stop them from escaping by saying we know their plan and taking the device away from them?"
I like how Carlos was all "you tried your best" when informing Kiera Emily was dead, which weird, I didn't know she didn't know that, but I guess she did run out of there after the device. But yeah, I wouldn't say she tried her best to save Emily, she chose to go after the device. Like sure, Emily had already been shot, but maybe the suit might have had some trick that could stabilize her or something. Or I guess she got shot right after she threw the device, and if Keira was paying more attention to her rather than the device, she could've stopped Emily from getting shot. Unlike Carlos, Alec has no problem blaming her for Emily's death though, even though he criticized his dad from trying to say it was Kiera's fault not less than a minute before. Also rude, when Keira was all, you can't trust Escher and Alec fired back, "He's family, what do you know about that?" Umm, she just said she picked the device because she thought it was the only way to see her son, HER family, so she does know a thing about family. Like he was just being harsher and harsher saying he will always blame her, but I guess it turned out he was just playing for the crowd and he's still with her.
He's all, since Escher has the anti-matter chamber in his building, he can send her home, but I still don't think that makes friggin sense. She doesn't even know if she'll have a son and husband to go back to, what changed, is it just desperation that's making her forget the reason she didn't think she could leave in the first place (besides the device being gone) was that Liber8 will totally change history?
Though I guess they try to give an explanation by having Alec say he's sending her to right before they went back, so she can stop it. Which, either they'll be two of her, which would be screwy because now you'd have two Keiras laying claim to the family, or she'll be erased. Neither of which seems any better than he current sitch.
Carlos figures out Betty is the Liber8 mole, just in time to rope her into helping get Kiera out of custody. When he basically torches his career by punching Dillon and helping her escape and he was talking about her looking him up in 2077 (he was all, I prolly won't be around, but its the future, and if he's Victor Webster's age, than he'd only be 104, perhaps people live that long due to scientific advancements!) I was thinking, wouldn't it be funny if this whole time he was some big person and Keira didn't realize? And then they totally destroyed that because she came into his life and messed up his life path? Though what the hell, was Dillon just lying there unconscious the whole time, long enough for Carlos to just stroll on out of there? At least Keira has an invisibility suit. But anyways, hey, at least he asked Betty to come with him, which I'm sure she was totally thrilled about. She's all, what are they going to do?
Apparently, go to Julian and join Liber8. Meanwhile, looks like Dillon is now the head of the newly established CPS.
Heh, Travis pulling a Matrix- but I guess my question last week was answered, the suit does indeed protect the head from gunshots. And apparently lets you do Hadokens? Did Keira ever do that? But apparently, the suit does not protect against nut shots? Or rather, does let some of the kinetic energy when it stops a hit through so he still feels it.
In the end, Keira makes it to the anti-matter room, ready to go home, Kellogg in tow. But it turns out Alec betrays her and sides with his dad. But then the Freelancers show up (apparently the one guy tried stopping Jason in the past/future from starting off the chain reaction that sent them back in time) and now they're making them out to be time-cops? Kiera tries to say she can go back to the future and "fix" the timeline by preventing Liber8 from going back, but they say she would still be an anomaly. In the chaos, Alec uses the device himself to go some-when to save Emily.
Anyways, cut to some time later- apparently Chen is alive and with his Freelancer buddies. They have Kiera, Sonya, Garza, Escher, Kellog, and Jason imprisoned, Travis and that other dead Liber8 guy are there as well, possibly alive and on life support and they were about to get Lucas. What about Elena? Is it because she died of old age, so they just stole her corpse to eliminate "anomalies", but Chen and Travis and the other guy were dead of something they could bring someone back from?
They seem to think by having all these folks here, they've gotten all the anomalies except one, Alec. It will be interesting to see where they go from here.