So, a few posts ago, I did a
Top 50 Favorite Hot Chyx list. Now that I've had time to ruminate, using that list, I came up with a top 10 list that's actually ordered and everything.
Odette Annable, Age: 26, Best known for: Cloverfield (actually, people seem to forget she's in this), Breaking In, House (well, soon enough)
Comments: Hey, I think she's what you would get if Jessica Alba and Megan Fox had a love child (and who wouldn't want to be there when they did that?). And I'm sure there's some airbrushing going on, but seriously ffv('That ass!'):
Karen Gillan, Age: 23, Best known for: Doctor Who.
Comments: Make no mistake, she is factually the hottest of the Doc's companions, ever.
Nina Dobrev, Age: 22, Best known for: Vampire Diaries, Degrassi: The Next Generation.
Comments: Hey, there's something to be said for being able to play two distinctly different hot chyx on the same show. (Katherine is of course, the hotter one, being the sexy-naughty vampire)
Evangeline Lilly, Age: 32, Best Known for: Lost
Comments: One of the main (and totally superficial) reasons to watch Lost. Also, the clear proof Jeremy Renner's character in The Hurt Locker is totally insane. This is his baby's mama, and he'd rather be in the desert defusing dangerous bombs?
Hear her speak elvish in the upcoming Hobbit movie! 5)
Amy Acker, Age: 34, Best Known for: Angel, Dollhouse
Comments: A little on the skinny side, but she's really pretty. And we were born on the exact same day and year.
Ashley Greene, Age: 24, Best Known for: Twilight
Comments: She's just a very fit girl. And I like the pixie-do she sports in the Twilight movies.
Leighton Meester, Age: 25, Best Known for: Gossip Girl
Comments: I was wondering how much of my like of her is based on Blair Waldorf, but then I remembered I still thought she was mad cute way before she was on GG,. Like when she was Sweet Knees on VM, or Berhooz's hot American gf on 24 whom Shohreh Aghdashloo killed because she felt Leighton was too hot and could possibly turn her son from their future terror plots with her hotness, or in House or North Shore where she was playing total JB going after men who would totally go to jail if they banged her.
Alison Brie, Age: 27, Best Known for: Community, Mad Men
Comments: Okay, maybe this one, my like may be due to her character on Community. I do appear to have a thing for neurotic brunettes. Though she also does have that brown hair/blue eyes combo I like.
Olivia Wilde, Age: 27, Best Known for: The OC, House
Comments: She'd be hotter if she had a bigger rack, but I still think she's really sexy.
Emma Stone, Age: 22, Best Known for: Superbad, Zombieland, Easy A
Comments: To me, she's hot in that cool-hot chick from HS sort of way.
Honorable mention:
Anna Kendrick, Age: 26, Best Known for: Twilight, Scott Pilgrim vs the World
Comments: Again, see my previous comment on neurotic brunettes. As I said in my commentary on 50/50, she's cute, in a plain sort of way that totally works for her.
So, the mean age of this group is 26, which actually meshes with the whole your age divided by 2 plus 8 rule. So maybe I don't show a preference for chyx who are way too young for me. I would go so far to say I like girls of the appropriate age for me!
But breaking it down again, I noticed they're all snowflakes, mostly brunettes, with just two red heads and no blonds. Well, unless you count Odette Yustman as Latina, and technically Olivia Wilde and Emma Stone are natural blonds, they just dye their hair to a color that works way better for them.
clevemire jokingly(?) commented I need to come up with 250 girls to get better data. But alas, I've only come up with 164 so far. The problem with shooting for a particular number though, is at least when I was just coming up with girls off the top of my head, I could trust I really found them attractive. But if I have to think of 86 more girls, I might just be naming them to fill the spots.
TV commentary:
Warehouse 13- Wow, what a way to end the season.
I knew Jinx was undercover! Not that it wasn't obvious. Gee, the one goody-goody person gets totally screwed by the supposed good guys and is recruited by the bad guys? Oh I'm so sure there's nothing more going on there. Yeah, I'm looking at you too, Kono on Hawaii Five-O! Like she's not totally undercover with the IA now, particularly since she's making contacts with all these shady ex-cops!
But I digress, poor Claud. She finds out her best friend isn't a bad guy, and then not a little later, she finds him dead! But it looks like she's gonna try to bring him back with the Metronome? Speaking of using artifacts, did we know what Macpherson's watch does? I suppose Artie will use that to fix the Warehouse? But will that also bring back HG and Mrs. Fredricks?
Speaking of, so did HG and Myka have a thing for each other? Their glances at each other seemed so fraught with meaning! Of course, they are both attractive women, but they also look very similar. So if they were all lesbo for each other, I would think they should find it slightly creepy. It would be like doing it with yourself! (Or maybe that's the appeal)
Oh, and ha, so is Cpt. Janeway aware of what happened? It seemed things continued on too fast for them to have time to call her up. So she's like prolly on the way to the airport, oblivious. Like next time she checks in she'll be all shocked that the warehouse was leveled and both HG and Mrs. Fredricks were dead!