Free Movie Tickets expiring today, Reply!

Mar 24, 2011 16:58

So, I got movie tickets through Groupon to Arena Grand sometime last year. It was intended I go with someone to three separate movies, with three pairs of tickets. That never happened. Fast forward to today.

These tickets will expire TODAY. After today, this will have been a huge waste of my time. So I want to improve someone else's life.

Comment here, @Gedrean on twitter, or some other way to get this set up.

These do not work for no-passes showings.
These are only for Arena Grand.

Each Groupon gives you TWO TICKETS to the same movie, good for that day.

They expire TODAY!

Reply and I'll make sure somehow that you get your tickets!

EDIT: Nevermind. Looks like I don't have the followers to get rid of something like this.
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