Pre-Solar Return

Jan 07, 2017 22:13

My Solar Return is tomorrow, but there are some pleasant things I am noting about today. The Sun in Capricorn has been good to me this year, and I feel blessed with gifts, abundance, and enlivenment by it.

Things between Adolpho and I are great again. We had to hash it out a bit about the "wall" I put up when I shut down or refuse to do things, and he really took it to heart. I just had to convey to him that it's about me being all PTSD or overwhelmed, and now he understands. We had a really great studio session together this week, in which we started actually dancing together in Contact Improv. Although I still have some technique to learn, the foundational flow between us has begun. He slept over last night and we really enjoyed each other's company... physically, sexually, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, all of it. I gave him a treatment using the tree of life pattern and it helped him sink into his body greatly. Sex with him last night was very flowing, deep, sensual, and wordless. It just felt so right.

Bottom line... I am in love and it's going really well. We both find it unbelievable how well we fit together... the combination of romance, deep love, lust, mutual care and loyalty, commitment, and progression. We seem to be so well suited. May this trend continue.

Next... no health crises. I may even be onto something with Low Dose Naltrexone. Time will tell as it's too early. In any case, no flare and no impending disaster. This is good. Speaking of LDN, it was kind of crazy how my doctor gave me the RX so easily, and how the compounding pharmacy already had a batch made due to a previous customer. The turnaround time between when Susan told me about LDN on the new moon and getting the RX was less than 1 week. Fingers crossed!

I have money coming to me like crazy right now, through multiple streams. Who knows what the future holds but for now I am enjoying the abundance and care I am being shown.

More esoterically, I feel that a really big shift is going to come this year. The "next thing" is inbound, and the past is relinquishing. Whatever it is, it excites me. I want to be ready for it when it happens -- and I don't mean be "prepared" for it because that would be impossible. I just mean, when it happens, I want it to feel right in my core of cores. If that happens, I can trust it.

Tomorrow... might go to Contact Improv drop-in at EDAM, despite my nervousness about it. Also having dinner at a Japanese place with Adolpho. Who knows what else the day will bring?

Happy birthday to you Jason. You made it. I love you. Happy 32 and here are some resonant words from Free Will Astrology:
"I thought of you when I read a tweet by a person who calls himself Vexing Voidsquid. "I feel imbued with a mysterious positive energy," he wrote, "as if thousands of supplicants are worshipping golden statues of me somewhere." Given the astrological omens, I think it's quite possible you will have similar feelings on regular occasions in 2017. I'm not necessarily saying there will literally be golden statues of you in town squares and religious shrines, nor am I guaranteeing that thousands of supplicants will telepathically bathe you in adoration. But who cares how you're imbued with mysterious positive energy as long as you are?"
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