This week I feel like a real bra-burning, ass-kicking, fist-shaking activist. This Monday I participated in my first meeting as an officer at Out and was impressed by how smoothly things went, despite a constant barrage of negativity coming from the back row. Miss "I'm starting my own club because I don't like yours" accomplished nothing but bitching about our upcoming events and tactics for bringing about policy change in our school. Maybe next time you should just stay home.
But I digress...otherwise the meeting went well and I'm excited about all the plans we have for this and next year. Not to mention my upcoming newsletter, which I really need to get started on. So if you have a question (ANY question) to send for my "Dear Dori" column (in the style of Dear Abby), please email me at: Today I learned how to defend myself from a variety of weapons in Karate, including a gun. That's right, fear my kung fu. We've continued to work on our ipons, which are staged defense for the class to observe. Nothing gets your aggression out like throwing each other around.
I also gave blood today and guess what? That's right, they still haven't changed the sex on my paperwork! But this time I just pointed to it and said to the nurse, "Obviously this is not correct." She laughed nervously and signed off on it before clicking away at the computer to change it. DONE. How simple is that, people?
Then I went to the VOICE meeting, where I was nominated for Vice President and Committee Chair. I also did my first cross-organization outreach by reaching out to Ally members and educating them of OUT's existence. It was here I heard the policy on discrimination has already been changed? I'll have to do my research to verify, but it sounds like the SGA has been gunning for us for a while.
And to top it all off I sent my first meeting minutes after class today. Now I just need to submit my piece for YFT's blog and I'll be nearly caught up on all my publishing. I feel awesome today, guys. Seriously.