Ding? Ding ding!

Sep 16, 2008 14:01

* Bella blinks plucking out a black box with a skull and crossbones on it with her right hand. "...What's this doing back here?"
Kace> What's what?
* Hastur has hugged a Metody and feels better, now.* What is it?
* Kace looks up from her schematic.
* Bella opens the box, "Looks like it's some sort of tea."
Kace> . . . Oh, that.
* Kace will not laugh will not laugh will not laugh.
Metody> "It's got a skull and crossbones on it."
Hastur> o.O What a wonderfully foreboding-looking box.
Hastur> What is it, Goth Tea?
Kino_Makoto> It's obviously healthy for you.
* Bella ... is curious. She plucks out a teabag and fishes out something to brew it with.
Kace> It's not poison.
Metody> "Oh, yes, look at the grin on the fellow on the box. Clearly, he's in his prime."
* Kace is not telling anyone anything more. It'll ruin the fun :(
Hastur> ((XD))
* Hastur looks to see if it's the Lobotomised Enzyte Grin. That was all Azathoth's fault, you know.*
Hastur> *Whistling is DAMN CLOSE to flutes.*
Aurelia[Entouraged]> "Goths?"
* Aurelia[Entouraged] is confused, and the guards are Concerned.
Kino_Makoto> ...
Kino_Makoto> You see a skull and crossbones and, despite hearing that it's not poison, your first instinct is to brew and drink it?
Metody> "...I would honestly pay to see how you manage to be all gothy in yellow." And then it clicks and he looks towards the Greeks. "It's a reference to a kind of fashion that focuses heavily on wearing lots of black, lots of chains and belts, and mooning around like a complete twit talking about how sad life is."
Kace> I've drunk it before. It's not poison.
Hastur> Sorry, not the historical kind. 'Goth' in twenty-first century America is short for 'Gothic.' A propensity for melodramatically dark and ponderous.
Aurelia[Entouraged]> "Oh."
Bella> "And why not?" She pours it into the cup, "After all, *SCIENCE!* is all about experimentation!" It's probably a good thing she's in a cheery mood, because she takes a little bit of a sip, and makes a face. "Whoa, that's really bitter." ... Twitch. "..ohhell." TWITCH. "Ithinkthisstuffhasalotofcaffieneinityes." ZIP Good god she's fast when she wants to be. "AlotofcaffieneIfeelikeIjustdownedtencupsofcoffeeatONCE."
Kino_Makoto> ...
Hastur> Oh, dear.
* Kace applauds.
Metody> "....ooh. Hey, can I - " He reaches for the mug
Kino_Makoto> ...No.
* Hastur picks up the cup of tea. Sniffs it.
* Bella left the mug on the bar.
Aurelia[Entouraged]> "Oh dear. Ms. Fennix, you'd better not have any more of that."
Hastur> I can smell the caffiene.
* Metody sidles up to Hastur with a grin.
* Hastur looks at Metody out of the corner of his eye.*
Bella> "InfactIfeelkindofINSPIRED." Uh. Uh oh. Madness Place. "REALLYREALLYINSPIRED." And she zips off to her room, clanging, banging, and gathering of parts and tools. *SCIENCE!* MUST BE DONE. The stimulants command it.
Kace> We're gonna get blown up, aren't we.
Hastur> ... Possibly.
Metody> "C'mon. You know you want to see what'll happen."
* Aurelia[Entouraged] looks mildly worried. The guards look rather worried
Kace> Oh, totally. Or else I would've warned her.
Bella> ((XD))
Aurelia[Entouraged]> It's not good to leave people in the dark," Aurelia says softly.
Hastur> Well, I am curious as to what she'll build.
Aurelia[Entouraged]> "If she's that sensitive, it could be bad for her health."
* Aurelia[Entouraged] is.....in no position to talk healthy eating, but it's principle.
Kino_Makoto> ...I could set up something if you're worried about being blown up. But with the AVF...
Hastur> I'm sure the AVF can handle it.
Metody> |B( He's not talking about Bella, he's talking about himself. Give the Metody the tea!
Aurelia[Entouraged]> "Oh, I trust the field."
* Bella is certainly making something on the workbench in her room, making it out of clockwork and surviving parts.
Hastur> Are you sure you can handle this tea?
* Hastur blinks at the Metody that is tiny.
Metody> "I'm almost positive that I can survive if I had to leave behind my flesh."
Hastur> That ... is not very reassuring.
Kace> Wait. What?
Aurelia[Entouraged]> "Well I hope it doesn't come to THAT"
Metody> "Aww..."
Kino_Makoto> I don't think Usagi's quite ready to heal someone on that level.
* Bella power tools going, mechanics being pieced together. A Spark on Caffiene is sort of surreal to watch, which may be a good thing she left her door open, so that this apparent warping of the laws of nature can be witnessed.
* Hastur sighs* I'm sorry. But I get the feeling if I gave this to you I'd get blamed up and down for the next twelve years. *And he downs the stuff in one gulp.*
Hastur> ...
* Metody takes a step back and points. "WHO thinks this is a better idea than letting me have some!?"
* Kace is a bit stuck here. "Metody. What?" She doesn't like not knowing things, humor her here.
* Hastur flash-glows like a floodlamp and then ... fades back to normal.
Bella> ((XD!))
Kace> o.o
Hastur> That's quite a kick.
Kino_Makoto> Leave it to a god...
* Aurelia[Entouraged] ...is relieved nothing went wrong, certainly.
* Bella zips into the room, "ITREALLYISISN'TIT." Closet. RAIDED. Good god man. She gathers up several devices of clockwork to brutally dissect for parts, and back into her room she goes. Good -god-.
* JJ does not enter so much as BAM he's there. There's no falling into the place or a big scene, suddenly there's just a gangly boy on the floor, hands pressed to his head and knees drawn up to his chest. He is this guy: http://yournametoo.livejournal.com/profile
Aurelia[Entouraged]> "Hello. Are you all right?"
Hastur> ... He only just missed getting trampled.
Kace> . . . uhoh.
* Kace will bother you later, Metody.
* JJ opens one eye, squinting. "...W-whoa. Narnia this is not." He's going to sit and blink a little while longer, knees still drawn up.
* Hastur pushes his hair back from his face and neck. Okay, not /completely/ unaffected, he's sweating a bit.
Metody> "*Totally* - oh, dear." Outrage is immediatly (and likely permanently) forgotten as he zips towards the young man, glancing over him for broken bones.
Hastur> You might want to get him out of the way.
Kino_Makoto> ...
* Kino_Makoto would have settled for giving him a hand up.
* Kace offers JJ a hand up. :D?
* Aurelia[Entouraged] starts to get up before there's two hands on her shoulder
* Aurelia[Entouraged] stays seated.
Hastur> Are you all right? *He remembers to stay where he's at, at least.*
JJ> "No giant lion, for one," he offers, still sort of dazed. He shakes his head slightly and pushes some of his bangs aside. His sleeves are rolled up, some serious scarring visible there. "Uh." He looks himself over. "NOt eaten, I'd say that's good. First time I've uh. Done whatever this is though."
Metody> "We don't really eat people. Here.
Aurelia[Entouraged]> "Welcome to the Nexus, Mr.....?"
Hastur> Unfortunately, this is a little bigger than Narnia. This is the Nexus.
* Kace still offering a hand, if JJ needs it. If not, she'll go sit back down.
Kino_Makoto> Not here, anyway.
* Bella , having not had that much of the super caffienated tea, is coming down off of her high as she finishes whatever it is she's making. She steps out of her room carrying it. The best way to describe it is something of a clockwork insectile thing, mechanics and gears and brass parts. It's closest to a scorpion with a single--although closed--mechanical eye. She's staring at it sort of with a shocked expression as she reenters the room.
Kino_Makoto> Down the road, you're fair game.
* Kino_Makoto offers a hint of a smile.
Aurelia[Entouraged]> "Yes, it is good to be careful -- oh! That's...interesting, Miss Fennix."
JJ> "Well no, doesn't look like the Donner party. I meant Smiles." Don't ask. He swallows and shakes himself out a bit, stretching before he gets up. Hello. "Schmidt. JJ." He smiles at Kace. "Sorry ma'am. I take care of myself."
Hastur> Don't let's get too overwhelming--Ah, You've finished.
* Kace shrugs and smiles. "Good philosophy."
* Hastur ambles over to Bella and looks at what she's built.*
Metody> "Do you want something to drink? Or eat? Are you okay?" He peers around the group, frowning a little bit.
Bella> **The mechanical scorpion hangs limply in her hands* "It's.. almost beautiful, I have to say, but I'm afraid to activate it--my Clanks usually don't work." It's sort of a nervous voice, "But I think I got it this time." Somehow.
* JJ eyes the mechanical thing and blinks quietly. "...Steampunk what now? Okay, where the hell am I? Because in most fighter horror games they give a guy a weapon. i demand a lead pipe."
* Bella also has a clockwork right arm and a similarly built right leg.
Hastur> It is lovely. Try it. Maybe this time it will work. *smile?*
Kace> There's an antiviolence field here. You won't need a weapon.
Aurelia[Entouraged]> "Maybe better to try it outside?" Aurelia looks back to JJ. "Lead really isn't healthy to work too closely with anyway, they're saying these days."
Kino_Makoto> Crowbars are better.
Metody> "You can't hurt people in this place. Or be hurt. Once you're past the door, though, that can change. Um. Welcome to the Nexus? It's a meeting place of many different universes, run through with stupid."
* Aurelia[Entouraged] is, as usual, wearing a classical blue dress and flanked by the tunic-and-sandals Secret Service.
* Bella sets the Scorpion down on the bar and takes out the key--from one of the alarm clocks that died in the process of making this machine, and starts to wind it up through the slot in its back.
JJ> "Well bully. I wanted a pipe. Or a crowb--" He grins at Makoto. "Exactly."
Kino_Makoto> Kino Makoto. Welcome to the universe.
* Kace is keeping half an eye on Bella and her scorpion.
Hastur> Run through with stupid. *he chuckles* I rather like that.
JJ> "Okay quick, somebody tell me not to panic and get me a towel." JJ copes funny.
* Hastur picks up a towel from the bar.* Here you are. Don't panic. *he hands it over.*
Kino_Makoto> ...Huh?
Hastur> This is just the culture shock, I know.
* Aurelia[Entouraged] is pleasantly bemused.
Metody> "...it is." he mutters. Run through with stupid. He retreats back to the bar for his drink. Horribly, he's tempted to offer the poor guy some of the pink and blue chocolates.
* Bella takes the key out, and clicks a little button just below the Scorpion's eye. It starts clicking quietly as the mechanics start to turn. The eye clicks open and glances around, and it stands on multisegmented mechanical legs. It dings quietly--an almost curious sound. Bella waits, counting to five, then ten. "..My god, it didn't explode." Stare.
* Hastur pats Metody in a manner he hopes is comforting.
Aurelia[Entouraged]> "Oh. Well. Congratulations, then."
* Hastur grins at the clank.
* Hastur is doing rather a lot. Maybe he is a bit caffienated.*
* JJ chuckles and accepts the towel, slinging it over his shoulder. "Thanks." He feels more comfortable surrounding himself with culture references he can understand. "So you clearly don't all live in my closet and I'm not dead because this doesn't feel like dead. So I guess hellos are in order. Sorry I curled up on your floor. It was my closet a second ago."
Hastur> Oh, dear. Random portal. *winces.*
Kace> Happens to the best of us.
Bella> Said Clank takes a few moments to take in its surroundings, and with a cheerful ding and a quick clicking motion of mechanical segmented legs, it skitters up Bella's arm, over her shoulder and onto her head, leaning to peer down upside down at her. It dings curiously again. Ding?
* Bella looks right back up at it. This is kinda surreal o_o
Aurelia[Entouraged]> "That's perfectly reasonable. Our door's in the store rooms. I'm Aurelia." She extends a hand pleasantly.
Kino_Makoto> ...
* Metody smiles wearily at Hastur - then his face lights up at the clank. "It's so cute! Does it have a name? Will it play?"
* JJ holds up his hands. "Hey now. It's not all bad. Not dead is all good, says me." He laughs a little, taking off his beanie to run a hand through his hair. "Oh. Hey. Mailing list lady?" He headtilts, offering his hand. He's got rough hands, kind of scarred up.
* Hastur is of the opinion that Metody really doesn't need caffiene.*
Kace> Hey, mine was under the sink when I was little.
Aurelia[Entouraged]> "Oh! That was you? Well, nice to meet you in person. Yes, I was sending from here."
* Kace offers a hand (again) too, this time for shaking. "I'm Kace, hi there."
* Aurelia[Entouraged] will quite happily shake his hand. Hers are unscarred, but she did work in a mill as a kid.
* Bella | The Clank dings cheerfully at Metody, the single eye going (n) "..Apparently, it's named 'Ding'." A fitting name for a mechanical scorpionish thing, "And I don't know if it'll play or not--I think it's still learning. I've never made a Clank that worked, it was the mechanical brain that always gave me trouble."
* Metody reaches out to it hopefully
* Metody of course needs caffiene. Don't you want to see what he's like hypered up?
Hastur> Flavius Derleth. *He also puts out a hand for JJ to shake.*
* Hastur thinks Metody would bounce off the walls and then fall over of tachycardia.*
Bella> 'Ding', as its apparently named, dings curiously at Metody, and reaches for his hand with its mechanical arms. And if he's not careful, it'll skitter over his arm, shoulder, and sit on his head now. And make another cheerful little ding sound.
* JJ smiles warmly, adapting easily enough which is weird as hell, no doubt. Both at once, he offers one hand to Kace and one to Hastur, grinning slightly. "JJ Schmidt. Pleasure to not be dinner here with you tonight." He may be operating under the impression he's hallucinating. Maybe.
Bella> "Hello." She says to JJ, "My apologies for a heck of a first impression, Herr Schmidt, but I'm Bella Fennix."
* Kace laughs at the double handshake. "Nah, we like to get to know people before we cook them."
* Metody tries to snag Ding off of his head to give him a hug. "You! You are the greatest thing I've ever seen! So cool!" He kisses the top of the critter's chassis, spinning around in delight, then offers JJ his hand. "I'm Metody!" Perhaps just the fumes of the tea were enough.
* Hastur shakes.*
Bella> ((XD))
Hastur> Y-yes. He's ... a bit hyper. And this is why I drank the tea instead of giving it to you, Metody.
Bella> Ding'll let itself be snagged and hugged, it hugs back. With ALL ITS LEGS. Not tightly, mind, it's still only clockwork, after all. It cheerfully dings more.
* Hastur is amused, nonetheless.
* Metody looks down at Ding, a touch wonderingly. "Gosh. It's wierd being hugged like that by something I didn't make."
Bella> "That tea was a heck of a kick. Wow."
Hastur> I hug you all the time and you didn't create me.
Bella> "As do I." She sticks her tongue out at Metody, in a very good mood.
Metody> "You lack a certain insectine something."
Aurelia[Entouraged]> "Have you ever brought your little....creatures?....into the Nexus, Metody?"
JJ> To Bella he says, "Well the," he gestures, trying not to be rude, "is a little scifi for my usually strictly horror genre life but what the hell? I can roll with this." He will roll with it, dammit. B| He smiles a little at Metody. "Wow, kid. Easy on the sugar."
* Aurelia[Entouraged] has heard a little, although she is not in the general Guards-tell-each-other-everything loop
Hastur> I could introduce you to someone very insectile.
Metody> "Oh, yes. My bookbag is full of them." Pan to the bookbag. The huge and bulging bookbag. Has anyone ever seen him take anything other than a bag of caramels, a single book and a thermos from it?
Bella> ((XD))
* Kace is horribly tempted to just take a good look at Metody's history without asking first. But that'd be rude.
Aurelia[Entouraged]> "Oh, I see."
Kace> Little creatures?
* Hastur blinks at JJ.* Horror-genre life?
Bella> And as soon as its released, Ding'll skitter back to sit on Metody's head for a moment before skittering away to do the same to Bella once more. He likes his mommy. o3

OOC: Ding continues to explore Sanctuary residents, meeting Kace, and sitting on Hastur's head as well, and proving that it's almost disturbingly fast in terms of learning by collecting various dirty glasses and putting them in the bar sink upside down. I'm merely cutting it off here to keep the log condensed to one post, chopping them up is a bitch.

Ding the Clank
More spare clockwork parts. A lot more.

Things Learned:
Tea with skull and crossbones has powerful effects on Ms. Fennix, in a good mood, she'll construct something benign. In an angry mood--as she'll tell you from experiance--she'll construct something dangerous.
Bella, on Metody: [He pierced his what?]

pc: kace (before_you_leap), pc: metody green (metody_green), pc: aurelia (aureliaofarista), pc: jj (yournametoo), pc: kino makoto (notinuniform), clanks: ding, places: #thesanctuary, pc: herr yellow (4_20_100)

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