Art Update

Jul 22, 2012 23:39

I have been working on art a great deal these last few months. I'm starting to see some results in the form of completed projects and business necessities. I have had a web site for a while that consisted mainly of a blog in which I wrote about all my creative pursuits. I'm working on some bigger things, however, and they will soon be coming to fruition. It's going to be some pretty cool stuff, and I'm very excited about it. I'll let you know as soon as everything is in place and running at full speed. This really is going to be some neat stuff! You've read here on and off about my sculpture work for quite some time, and I'm happy to say that there's going to be a lot more of that and some pretty easy ways to access it as well. Stay tuned!

sculpture, web site, business, rolling ball sculpture, rbs, art

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