♒♒♒ [2 vid recs [Derek/Stiles]]Because over 90% of them are blocked here (due to musical content) I've never been an avid fanvid watcher. I usually depend on others reccing vids rather enthusiastically (if you have recs, please let me know!), otherwise I very likely won't make the effort to proxy!watch. Anyway, here are two vids I came across this week (one via a rec from hardticket) and I really liked them a lot.
I started with the Milkshakes and Matchsticks series. It's a series of 6 stories so far (~20K alltogether), telling the beginnings of Stiles and Derek getting something started that might turn into a relationship one day. Gosh, it's beautiful, awkward at times, painful at others. Apart from one (Derek's POV) the stories are all from Stiles' POV, they're all PG but yeah, that's the kind of fic that makes you crave more and more because you want to see them make it work. Somehow. According to the author the series is not finished yet but it's not a WiP, more like a series of continuous (standalone) short stories. I'm very much looking forward to a new fic from this series.