Mar 15, 2005 19:36
here are the names I thought up for people
keep in mind that they are medieval names
and are not meant to offend you
(well not to offend all of you)
ME- Kaar the omnipotent
JAM (john alex marshall)- is Jam master stupid really annoying person
Jojo- Jojo the mexican
Robert- Robert the omnificiant (able to gain all knowledge)
Evan- Evanovich the bonecrush
Balsac- Isaac the vengeful
Audrey- Audrey the playful
Kelsey- Kelsey the whimsical
Dylan- Dylan of the nintendo clan
Steven- Steven the peer-mediating forrest elf
Conor- Conor the ubiquitous or conor the ever-present
Jordan- Logan the huge
Sharon- Sharon the assassin
Zeve- Zevvy the sperm-whale
Koperberg- Koppi the white wizard or Koppi of the stars
Michael- Michael the rebel or Michael the weaselly or Michael the figal
Flip- fillipa the weary
Allison- Allison the saddened
Anish- Anish the squishy
David- David the mouse-like
Jonathan- Jonathan the chomper or Jonathan the degenerative
Minseon- Minseon the loud or Minseon the silent
Braunfield- Brawny the neo nazi
Samantha- Samantha the plaid
Kouros- Kourii the fat one
(Vest Kid)- Erik king of vests or Erik of the vest or Vest King the king/inventor of all vests
Daniel- Dan'l the thin
Aubrey- Aubrey the hidden sneaky little bastard that follows people around and smells kinda funny
Aaron Friedman- Aaron of the wind or Aaron of the winja (white ninja) clan
Charlie- Charlie the rich annoying bastard or Charlie the wealthy
Alex- Alex the hippie or Alex the monkey-like
Andrew (7th grader)- Andrew the honest
Diana (7th grader)- Diana the exhausted
Fiona (7th grader)- Fiona of the blueberry clan
Spartan (7th grader)- Spartan of the really-annoy-jackass-people-that-wanna-be-like-me clan
Thats all I can remember
Oh well
Its too awesome
If you wanna join my gang (the banjos)
just give me a ring (talk to me)
Wow that sounds really really desperate
but oh well
it is meant with the utmost seriousness