holiday love meme 2014
you know the drill! comment with your username and people will anonymously reply to your thread with bits of encouragement, well wishes, declarations of undying devotion, etc. secret santa style! tell all your friends and spread some lovely end of year cheer~
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you are utterly glorious. you are a faithful friend. you are smart, you are beautiful, you are articulate and you deserve every nice and wonderful thing that happens to you. I am so grateful to have you as a friend. you are so generous and kind, and no matter what life throws your way, you always overcome. I know there are wonderful things in store for you, and I can't wait to be reunited with you once more.
xoxo, "anon"
I don't know what all I can say that I don't try and say every day, but I just want you to know that I truly appreciate you and everything you are and how you're one of my closest friends. You do so much every day and I know this semester and the year haven't been the kindest. But I know that you will overcome, and next semester and the summer are waiting with great things for you. You persevere through everything, which is so inspirational and admirable. I'm so thankful and glad to have you in my life, for everything from school things to life to fandom things. I love you so much. And i just want you to know that.
You are so smart and driven and motivated. I know law school is tough, but I admire your ambition. You are going to be so successful in the future! I'm so proud I can call you a friend.
Don't let others get you down because you are so incredibly talented, smart, kind, and ambitious. You have such a great sense of humor & you've always made me feel welcomed and loved. NEVER FORGET how important you are to me and so many other people!!!!
Seriously, though, I can't wait watch baseball and have a full-length marathon of well-intentioned assholes and their sassy assistants. This sounds like the dream to me.
your-not-so-anon Anon
Beyond that, I appreciate how much you work at school and fandom in ways I never imagine I could. You're one of my favorite people to see around and I always look forward to seeing you once a year. (Hell there went my anonymity!)
You are amazing. <3
What can I say? What is there to say? You are sweet, wonderful, encouraging, awe-inspiring, amazing, dedicated, I could go on and on and each word would still be the irrevocable truth - having you in my life has been one of the highlights of this turbulent year, and I never thought I would find someone so much my soulmate/sister/person as much as you. <3 Your dedication and drive to persevere through law school - even in the face of people being terrible - your awesomesauce writing and ideas and commitment to friending and life and being supportive - our mutual love of the greatest places and people on earth.
You know how I feel about you bb. <3 But we both know we hate vague, noncommittal declarations, so I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. You are my person and my soulmate and there's so many good things to come (and whatever bad times we'll make it through).
Hugs and Love,
Your Very Anonymous Nonny (So Anonymous. Very Discrete. Who Am I? 24601)
i typoed that as HELLA GRACE at first, which might be better???
ANYWAY, you are amazing and i am so proud of you for all your law school stuff - you're doing amazingly and I believe in you! And you are just a overall 200% amazing person! HAPPY HOLIDAYS I LOVE YOU
You're incredibly smart and, even though you often say you're an asshole, you're so compassionate and considerate of others. There is a distinction and I love that you can be that asshole and still have a huge, wonderful heart.
Your creativity (whether it be in actual writing or in our AU-plotting) inspires me.
And then there's your drive. You work so hard and I know this semester has been so rough, but you will conquer it as you do everything else. I'm simultaneously proud and in complete admiration of that.
I don't think I can tell you enough how thankful I am to have you in my life (especially these past few months, which have been rough for me) or that I love you <3<3<3
You are so smart and kind and wonderful and deserving of all things good. Not to mention a badass lawyer-to-be. Your headcanons make my heart smile and your recs are always on point.
So just to reiterate: I LOVE YOU.
That is all. <3
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